chapter thirty five

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After Gabbie read the comment of Lauren saying to text her she immediately did.

Lauren 🤩: Lauren
Gabster 🤩: Gabbie

Gabster 🤩: is everything ok????

Lauren 🤩: yeah, of course!

Gabster 🤩: ok that's good, but what did you need?

Lauren 🤩: oh yeah. Me and Finn are kindadating

Gabster 🤩: Wait! Actually! Omg! I'm so happy for you girl! You got the man of your dreams;!!!!!

Lauren 🤩: thanks gabs. I love you girly

Gabster 🤩: aww laur! I love you more! 💗🙈

Gabbie let out a sigh of relief, and Jaeden began to question what was wrong.  "Oh nothing, but Lauren just told me something big" she said to him. They were almost back to Jaedens house. "Oh ok" he said.

They finally arrived back when they both started getting notifications...

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