chapter twenty nine

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Gabbie was went to bed happy as ever but she woke up super early. She just layed there and admired her wallpaper. "Man, I'm one lucky girl."
She decided to get up and get dressed. She changed into something comfortable, she put on this oversized red tee-shirt and some black legging type shorts. Her hair was wavy so she decided to not fix it. She was just going to put on her sandals, when she had to leave. She layed on her bed and watch tiktok until she had to leave.

Meanwhile at Jaedens house:
Jaeden was laying down still asleep, but he remembered that Gabbie was coming over so he got up and cleaned up his room. He didn't change. He had on grey sweatpants and a t-shirt.
He decided to text her to see if she was awake.

my boy 🥺: Jaeden
my world + more 🤎: Gabbie

my boy 🥺: hey gabs you awake?

my world +more 🤎: yep, I've been awake, waiting for you to text me

my boy 🥺: hehe, I feel special

my world + more 🤎: you are!

my boy 🥺 yay! When do you want to come over, i can ask my mom if we can come get you

my world + more 🤎: yeah that would be fine, I'm ready right now

my boy 🥺: kk,I'm going to ask her and we will be on our way.

my world + more 🤎: yay, let me go tell my mom!

my boy 🥺: ok

Gabbie put her phone down and ran downstairs into her mom's room. "Hey mom, Jaeden and his mom are on there way to get me" she said happily. "Ok, sweetie have fun. I love you" she said. "I love you too Mom"she said walking out the room. She waited for them to come get her, while she waited she watched more tiktok. She went upstairs and grabbed her charger and when she came back down there was a knock at the door.

She ran to the door and opened it, and it was Jaeden. "Jae, I missed you" she said giving him a big hug. "I missed you more" he said looking at her. She locked the door and they got in the car. they both sat in the back together while his mom drove.  The two watched tiktoks together and before they new it they were home. "Looks like were here" his mom said. "Yep" Jaeden said. They all got out of the car and went inside.

His mom yawned and said, "I'm tired still, so I'm going to go lay back down" she said walking back to her room. "Ok, see ya later alligator" Jaeden said causing gabbie to laugh. "I'll beat ya" Gabbie said. "Wait what?" Jaeden said. Be was confused but before he knew it she was already half way up the stairs. He then ran after her. But on the way up there he tripped, "dang you gabbie" he said laughing. "Ha ha" she turned around and said that while putting her fingers on her ears and moving them back and forth. "Your lucky your cute" he said getting up walking up to her. She looked at him, he went in for a kiss but guess what she swerved him. Now that's a big L for Jaeden 😔. "Nope not yet" she said, walking into his room. "I will only give a kissy if you take a picture with me" she said. "Fine, but I get two kisses" he said. "Ok" he said.
They went into the bathroom, because it has a mirror in it. They took several pictures and she said, "ok, these are good." "Ok, now my kisses" he said in a pouty voice. "Anything for my boy" she said wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her tip toes. They leaned in and exchanged a look. She them placed her lips on to his. Pecking his lips two times. She pulled away and ran to his bed. "Let's watch a movie or something" she said patting the empty spot next to her. "Ok" she said jumping on to the bed. He grabbed the remote from the bedside table, and tuned on the tv. Gabbie moved closer to him and layed on his chest. He put his arm around her back and ran his hand up and down. He played the show, and they layed there for awhile.
Gabbie got in a different position because she was cold. She moved up closer to Jaeden. She layed right in his arms, and put her arm over his chest. He looked down at her and she looked up at him. She looked up at him too. He stated giggling, "what's wrong?" She asked him. "Oh nothing your just cute." "Aww, jae." She said. She layed her head back down on his arm and watches the show.

"So when can we tell them" Gabbie asked
"Tell who?" He asked her. "You know our fans." "Oh yeah, whenever you want to" he said. "Really." "Yeah, of course but as long as you are ok with it" he said. "Yeah, ok. I have a plan" she said grabbing her phone out her pocket. "Ok, you do you" he said watching her.

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