chapter thirty seven (the end)

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seven years later

"mom where's dad?" river said "oh he's at work he'll be home in a little while. why don't you go get your sister and we'll go to the park" gabbie told the boy as she fixed his shirt. her son ran up the stairs and got his sister, to soon run back downstairs and into the kitchen.

over the past seven years, hers and jaedens lives have changed so much. they now have 2 kids and jaeden is a full time actor, while gabbie plays in a movie every now and then but takes care of her children most of the time.

they have two kids a boy named river who is 4 and a daughter named blair who is 3

gabbie and jaeden have yet to get married, but jaeden has asked her to marry him and of course she said yes...

what happened between finn and lauren is a long story but let's just say they broke up not to long after they got together....

the it cast and gabbie are all still friends to this very day...

chicken nuggets/Jaeden MartellWhere stories live. Discover now