chapter nine

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As the four boys were eating lunch Gabbie was at home getting ready to leave.

"Where is she?" The girl asked herself. She had already packed her clothes and the stuff she was going to bring. she grabbed her bags and went downstairs.

as she went down stairs she was greeted with a knock. "Well, what are the odds." See ran over to the door, and was greeted by her smiley best friend. "Lauren!" She said to her. "Gabbie!" The girl exclaimed. "It feels like I haven't seen you in so long! Also you outfit is fire!" Gabbie told her letting her go from the hug. "I could say the same. Now let's go my mom is waiting" Lauren said. Gabbie waved at her mom, and she waved back.

Lauren couldn't drive her because she was only 15, and Gabbie hasn't got her license, she had to wait until she was 17.

Gabbie ran inside to say goodbye to her mother. "Bye momma, I love you." She said closing the door.

The girls ran to the car and got in. On the way there they had their music playing in full blast, even though Laurens mom said no.

They soon arrived at Lauren's house. "Hey let's take some pictures" Gabbie said. "Yesss, good idea."

They got out the camera and started taking pictures of each other and with each other. The process took at Least 20 minutes. They both decided they would post them.

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