chapter twenty six

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"oh hey guys we were on our way to make sure y'all were up" Jaedens mom said. "yeah, we were coming" Jaeden said. "ok, well we have to go finish cooking, also Wyatt and Sophia are on their way" Jaedens mom said walking down the stairs, Gabbie's mom following behind.

"Woah, that was close" gabbie said. "Yeah, it was. so what do you want to do while we wait?" He asked. "Let's go lay back on your bed" she said walking in his room. "Ok, right behind ya" he said following her. They sat back down on the bed and Jaeden layed down. as gabbie laid down she put her hand over his stomach and laid on his chest. He started playing with her hair. She looked up to him, and he leaned down, trying to reach her lips, but he couldn't. She laughed and lifted her head up, and kissed him on his lips. "Wow, your perfect" Jaeden said. "No you are" gabbie said. "Nope you are"he said looking at her. "Whatever, but your cuter" she said. "Fine, I'm cute and your perfect" he said. "Sure" she said. They just layed there for awhile, but then gabbie asked, "so when are we going to tell our moms and friends?" "Oh, we can tell them tonight"he said. "Ok, well I forgot to ask Lauren if she wanted to come for Finn" she said. "Oh, yeah you might want to do that" he said. "Ok, I will" she said grabbing her phone out her pocket, and not moving off of Jaeden.

Lauren 🤩: Lauren
Gabster 🤩: gabbie

Gabster 🤩: hey, the it cast is having a kinda party like thing and, i was wondering if you wanted to go?

Lauren 🤩: wait actually

Gabster 🤩: yeah of course

Lauren 🤩: ok ok let me go ask my mom. Where is it at?

Gabster 🤩: at Jaedens house, I can send you the address

Lauren 🤩: wait are you already there?

Gabster 🤩: yeah, I've been here all day

Lauren 🤩: wait, with like Jaeden 🤔

Gabster 🤩: umm, yeah. Why

Lauren 🤩: so you've been hanging out with Jaeden all day?

Gabster 🤩: umm yeah

Lauren 🤩: ohh, ok I get it now

Gabster 🤩: get what

Lauren 🤩: you've been hanging out with him all day 😏

Gabster 🤩: no Lauren not like that. Heres the address *insert random address*

Lauren 🤩: ok, I'm going to get changed and I will be omw!

Gabster 🤩: tell me when your here so I can meet you outside

Lauren 🤩: kk

The girl put her phone back in her back pocket and laughed. "man what am I going to do with her?" She asked. "I don't know, but her and Finn would be perfect for each other" he said. "Omg, Finn. We need to tell him" she said. "I'm not going to text the group chat. I will text him sepretly" she said getting her phone out again.

Brooke Dennis Weegie: Finn
Gabbie 🤪: Gabbie

Gabbie 🤪: hey Lauren is ok her way here

Brooke Dennis Weegie: Wait! Actually! I'm not prepared!

Gabbie 🤪: don't worry about it you'll be fine

Brooke Dennis Weegie: I'll try, but im omw

Gabbie🤪: kk

"Finns a total wreck" gabbie said to Jaeden. She looked up at him and said, "hey your cute." He looked back down at her, "and so are you." "Hey can you send me that picture?" They both said at the same time. They laughed at each other and said "yes"

Gab 💖💞💘💗: Gabbie
Jae 💗💘💞💖: Jaeden

Gab 💖💞💘💗:

Gab 💖💞💘💗:

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Jae 💗💘💞💖:

they both saved the pictures to their camera roll and each smiled at the pictures

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they both saved the pictures to their camera roll and each smiled at the pictures.

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