chapter thirty four

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Liked by @jaedenwesley, @jackdgrazer, @laurenavery and 123,456 others

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Liked by @jaedenwesley, @jackdgrazer, @laurenavery and 123,456 others

@gabbiejames my boy 💗

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@wyattoleff haha your short
→@gabbiejames oh shut it noodle boy

@jaedenwesley I love you 💗
→@gabbiejames I love you more 💗

@laurenavery hey gab text me pls!
→@gabbiejames kk!

@sophialillis aww y'all are too cute!
→@gabbiejames oh stop it 💗

@chosenjacobs I miss y'all!
→@gabbiejames we miss you more!

@rando I want a relationship like Jaeden and Gabbie #jabbie
Liked by @jaedenwesley and @gabbiejames

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