chapter thirty six

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billy bob boux jomns- Chosen
Devon Quubse- Jack
Brooke Dennis Weegie- Finn
Tennus Brulokovitch- Jaeden
Gabbie 🤩: Gabbie
Sophia the first 👸: Sophia
JereBear 🐻: Jeremy
Wyett 🤕: Wyatt

Brooke Dennis Weegie: guys I have some news...
Sophia the first 👸: who did you kill?
Wyett 🤕: hey I was gonna ask that 🙄
Sophia the first 👸: oh shut it noodle boy, you'll live

Gabbie 🤩: see this is why I love you Sophia

Tennus Brulokovitch: hey what about me?

Gabbie 🤩: aww jae I love you too 💗

Devon Quubse: get a room 🤮
Billy Bob boux jomns: jack your just jealous cause you don't have a girl friend
Devon Quubse: well chosen you don't either so 😛
JereBear 🐻: 🤮 why did you use that emoji
Devon Quubse: idk

Gabbie 🤩: guys let Finn talk

Brooke Dennis Weegie: that you gabbie. Well as I was saying ihaveagirlfreindandhernameislauren 🤭
Sophia the first 👸: jaw = dropped
Wyett 🤕: congrats bro
Tennus Brulokovitch: congratulations!
Billy Bob boux jomns: haha now jack your even more Single now
Devon Quubse: wait how does that work?
Billy Bob boux jomns: idk 😶
JereBear 🐻:💀

Gabbie 🤩: all I have to say Finn is you better not break her heart or I will break your face

Brooke Dennis Weegie: woah, woah calm down I won't. I promise.
Billy Bob boux jomns: don't mess with Gabbie she will hurt you.
Tennus Brulokovitch: yeah you don't want to mess with her, I tried to take one of her fries and she tried to bite me
Sophia the first 👸: all I can say is you don't touch a girl's food

Gabbie 🤩: exactly Sophia exactly

Tennus Brulokovitch: ok guys I gotta go, Lauren's coming over
Devon Quubse: don't get to close
Tennus Brulokovitch: yeah don't get to close 👅
Tennus Brulokovitch: well I could say the same about you and Gabbie.

Gabbie 🤩: 😶

Sophia the first 👸: haha

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