chapter twenty

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Gabbie was woken up by Lauren jumping on her. "Get up! Get up! You've sleep all day!" Lauren said. "ok ok I'm up" she said. "What time is it?" She asked. "Oh, it's actually only 8:30" lauren said. "Oh, going to get you back." Gabbie said as she checker her phone. When she opened her phone she saw she had received over 1,000 new followers on ig.
"what in the world?" She said confused "What?" Lauren asked coming over to sit by her. "look I just got over a thousand new followers in one night." She said showing her the phone. "Yeah so did I" she said pulling out her phone. "yeah, I just don't want people to say I'm using Jaeden for clout" gabbie said. "Yeah I understand" she said. The two girls got dressed and went skateboarding for awhile until gabbie had to go home.

*Time skip to Gabbie's house*

She walked in and said hi to her parents, but then went up to her room. She was bored so she decided to take some pictures in which she would later post.

*Jaedens pov*
He was laying on the bed watching Wyatt play his video games when he felt his phone vibrate causing his attention to turn to the phone. He checked it and it said "@gabbiejames just posted a photo" he clicked on the photo and liked it, commenting before he turned of his phone.



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Liked by @jaedenwesley, @laurenm and 123,456 others.

@gabbiejames bored 😐

Load 1,890 comments

@jaedenwelsey 🤎
→@gabbiejames 🤎

@laurenm woah! Your hot! 🤤
→@gabbiejames hehe ty 💞

@wyattoleff nice bandana
→@gabbiejames ty ty ty

@sophialillis wow! Your beautiful 😍
→@gabbiejames so are you <3

@rando like this comment if you ship Jaeden and gabbie
*Liked by @jaedenwesley, @gabbiejames and 456 others
@rando wait! what?

gabbie turned off her phone and flopped on her bed. she didn't realize she was blushing until she opened snapchat. she was thinking "what does this mean? do he like me?"

Gab <3: gabbie
Jae 🥺: Jaeden

Gab <3: hey I need to talk to you, wanna FaceTime?

Jae 🥺 : yeah we can.

She got off the messages and went to FaceTime, she clicked in his name and waited for him to answer. He then answered, she saw his face and felt a smile grow upon her face. as the boy saw her smile he couldn't hold one back.

"Hi," the boy said.
"Hey, so I'm free this weekend" she said.
"Really" he said looking at her, " I am too" he said getting excited.
"Yay!"she said, "so where do you want to meet?" She asked.
"Oh, um..." He had to think. His face then lit up with excitement "how about the ice skating rink next to the coffee shop" he asked.  He watched he cute face light up with excitement as he was explaining.
"Omg, yes. I've been wanting to go there but, I don't know how to skate" she frowned. "But the weird thing is that I can skateboard, but not iceskate" she said laughing.
The boy addmired he cute laugh, and started blushing.
"It's ok I will help you" he said.
"Aww, thanks jae. So when do you want to go" she asked him.
"How about tomorrow, and then when we get done we can go back to my house and watch a movie or something" he asked with a big smile on his face.
"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow, what time?" She asked.
"How about 12:30?" He asked
"Yeah, that would be perfect! Tommorow it is" she said watching the boy.
"Tommorow it is" he said.
The two just sat there staring at each other, until the girls mom came in the room.
"Hey sweetie sorry to interrupt,but dinners done." She said as she heard a voice from the phone. "Who is that?" She asked getting a clear look at his face.
"Oh, mom you know Jaeden right?" She asked her.
"Yeah, of course that's all I ever hear about, 'jaeden, jaeden, Jaeden" she said laughing."
The girl looked at her mom, and then back at Jaeden. She was mad blushing.
"Ok mom, I will be down there in a minute" she said to her mother hoping she would leave, and she finally did.
She moved the camera out of view of her. She screamed into her pillow.
"Umm, gabbie are you ok?" He asked. He realized why she was doing it. "Oh, what your mom said, it's alright if my mom caught me talking to you she would have said the same thing" he said laughing.
The girl turned the camera back to her, and said
"Wow, really. You actually talk about me to your mom?" She asked in a schocked voice.
"Yeah, I mean who wouldn't, your beautiful" he said to her, as he looked at the screen they locked eyes, and stayed that way.
"You have no clue on how much you mean to me, ever since I've accidentally texted you I've been way more happy and I'm starting to think that I like you" she said still looking at the boy.
"Woah, I can't believe it but I've felt the exact same way, since you accidentally texted me. I'm glad that I have you in my life now gabbie" he said, looking at the blushing girl.
She was about to cry, when she said, "jae I don't want to lose you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me,well besides Lauren but I'm just so happy." She said.
"Wow, Gabbie your making me emotional" he said cry- laughing"
"I'm so ready to see your cute face in person tomorrow" she said.
"Yeah, me either except yours is cuter", he said.
" I highly doubt that" she said. "I hate to end this call but I'm probably going to get screamed at if I don't go downstairs. Text me later alright" she said to him. He nodded his head and said.
"Yeah obviously, bye gab"

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