part six

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Gabbie had to get changed because she was still in her night clothes. She walked into her closet. "Let's see, let's see" she said going through the options she had. "guess this'll do" she said picking out a purple skirt, and a peach colored crop top. She grabbed the clothes and walked over to her bed. She got changed, and did her hair. After she got done getting dressed she had gotten a message.

Gabbie: Gabbie 🤩
Jaeden: Jaeden 😎

Jaeden 😎: are you Jaedens girlfriend?

Gabbie 🤩: haha no, we just met yesterday.

Jaeden 😎: oh well I'm Finn

Gabbie 🤩: hi Finn? Why are you on Jaedens phone?

Jaeden 😎: oh he's filming a scene and I took his phone from him.

Gabbie 🤩: oh ok, well tell him to text me when he gets done filming.

Jaeden 😎: ok I will, bye Gabbie.

Gabbie 🤩: thanks Finn. Bye

Finn's PoV

I decided to take Jaedens phone while he was filming just for fun,ya know. And I was going through his messages and saw this girl named Gabbie. I clicked on her name. I asked her if she was Jaedens girlfriend. She told me no, but I don't believe her. Anyway, I got off the phone and put it back in his trailer.

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