chapter thirty three

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"where here" Jaedens mom said. "Yay, I'm starving" gabbie said, but after she said that it got quite. "What I'm hungry" she said causing everyone to laugh. "This is why I like you"Jaeden said getting out the car and gabbie following behind. They all walked in too the restaurant and got their booth.
"My lady" Jaeden said letting gabbie into the booth first. "Why thank you kind sir" she said to him. The twos mom's sat on the other side of the booth, and waited for the waiter.
"I'm so sorry for the wait, but can I get y'all started with some drinks" she said tapping her pen ok her notepad. "Umm Jaeden gabbie what do y'all want to drink?" Gabbie's mom asked. "Oh, I will take a lemonade please" Jaeden said. "and I will take the same, thank you" Gabbie said. The twos moms ordered their drink and the waiter left to fix them.

"What are you going to get to eat" Gabbie asked placing her chin on Jaedens shoulder.
"Umm I think pizza" he said looking up at her. "Oh, I was going to get that to maybe we can share of you want" she responded. "Yeah that would be alright" he said.

After a couple minutes the waiter arrived with their drinks.

"Ok, I have two lemonades a sweet tea and a lemon water" she said placing the drink Infront of the person. "Thank you" they all said after she gave them their drinks. "Ok, so are y'all ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?" She asked them all. "I'm we are ready" Jaeden said. "Ok, tell me when you are ready" she said getting her pen out. "ok, we want a medium pizza with, pepperoni, black olives and extra cheese please" he explained to her. His mom looked at him. "What we wanted pizza" he said referring to him and gabbie. "Whatever"she said, then placing her order and Gabbie's mom soon after her.

"Why did y'all order pizza" Gabbie's mom said laughing. "Because pizza is the best food" they both said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed. They played on their phone until the food got their food.

After awhile their food finally arrived.
"And here we are, I have a pepperoni, and black olive pizza with extra cheese. She said placing their pizza Infront of them. "Woah this looks good"gabbie said. "Not as good as you though" he whispered to her making her blush. The waiter placed their moms food down Infront of them and they began eating.

They all finished their food and payed the waiter. "Hey mom can you take some pictures of us" gabbie asked her mom. "Oh yeah of course." She said grabbing Gabbie's phone. They took acouple of pictures and got in the car.

chicken nuggets/Jaeden MartellWhere stories live. Discover now