chapter twenty seven

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Gabbie changed her wallpaper to the one of them asleep. "Look jae" she said showing him her screen. "Look at mine" he said showing the same wallpaper as hers. They layed there cuddling until his mom called, "kids Wyatt and Sophia are here." Gabbie looked at Jaeden and they jumped off the bed and ran downstairs.

"Sophia" Gabbie said. "Gabbie" the two ran up to each other and hugged until Wyatt said, "*cough* fine then." She let go of the hug and rolled her eyes toward Wyatt "hey Wyatt" she said giving him a hug. The hug didn't last long, because gabbie got a text. The text was from Lauren. She said she was here. "Sophia, Lauren's here" she screamed. "Who's lauren" she paused, "ohhhh, the Lauren" "yeah the Lauren" they both laughed and walked out the door.

The girls ran up to Lauren's car. Lauren got out and hugged gabbie. "Hi, I'm Lauren" she said, to Sophia. "Hi Lauren, I'm Sophia" the gave each other a hug. They said bye to Laurens mom and went inside.

They went and found Jaeden and Wyatt, sitting at the counter, talking to their parents and Gabbie's mom. "Jaeden, Wyatt. Lauren's here" gabbie said. They got out the chair and went into the living room. "Hi Lauren I'm Jaeden" he said. "Oh, I know." She said looking at gabbie. They all laughed and then Lauren introduced her self to Wyatt. "Hi, I'm Lauren." "Hi, I'm Wyatt" they shook hands and then they all sat down, until the others arrived.

"Hey guys Finns here" Jaeden said looking at gabbie trying not to laugh. The others exchanged looks and tried not to laugh. "What's wrong?" Lauren asked. "Nothing" they all said at the time. Jaeden and Wyatt got up and greeted Finn.
"Hey bro" Finn said. "Hey, how are you?" Jaeden asked. "Nervous" he said walking into the living room.  He spotted Lauren and immediately went red. "Hey Finn" Sophia said. Lauren then turned around to see Finn standing in the intrance. They locked eyes and both got red. Gabbie nudged Sophia and whispered, "look at them, their blushing" "I know, so cute" she said back. "Well we have new faces so introduce yourselves" Wyatt said. Gabbie went first, "hi Finn, I'm gabbie." "Yeah, I know who you are" he said laughing.
He approached the others and sat down beside Wyatt. "Hey, I'm Finn" he said to Lauren. "Hi, I'm la-la Lauren" she said causing gabbie to laugh. "Looks like Lauren is the new bill" she said jokingly, everyone laughed, "I'm just playing Lauren, I love you." Lauren just gave her the stink eye.

"So what do y'all want to do while we wait for Chosen and Jeremy?" Jaeden asked sitting down next to gabbie. "Let's watcha movie" Sophia said. "Yeah, ok. What do y'all want to watch?" He asked turning on the tv.

Gabbie wasn't paying attention to what he said, she was watching Lauren and Finn. They keep exchanging smiles and laugh's. Gabbie got up and whispered in Lauren's ear, "go talk to him." The girl looked at her like she was crazy or something. But then she finally got up. She went over and sat down next to Finn and the two started talking. Gabbie then back over and sat by Jaeden. The two looked at each other and smiled. It was now 6:00 and Jeremy and Chosen have just arrived.

"Hey guys, we've been waiting for you" Finn said. "Well if it wasn't for Jeremy, we would have been here along time ago" chosen said as he elbowed Jeremy in the stomach. "Ugh, bro what was that for?" He asked. "Nothing" chosen said. "come on the others are in here" Finn said as they walked into the room

Everyone turned around to see the three boys walk into the room. "woah calm down don't get to excited" chosen said. "Chosen" gabbie said laughing. She got up and greeted the two new boys at the entrance. She gave both of them a hug. "Hey Jeremy" she said giving him a hug. "Hey gabbie" he said as they all sat down. Some of them bad to sit on the floor, and some sat on the couches.

"Hey let's take some pictures" Lauren said to the two girls. "Yessss" gabbie said. "Yay" Sophia said. "Hey Jaeden come take out picture please" Gabbie said in a baby voice. "Anything for you" he said getting off the couch. Jaeden took the pictures of them and they went back inside.

Everyone else greeted the two others on their own time, but before they new it was time to eat. The kids all fixed their plates and sat outside on the porch, while the parents sat inside. Gabbie sat beside Jaeden on the swing and Lauren and Finn ended exchanging numbers and became closer than ever, they sat on the stairs. The other four sat where ever.

*Time skip to the announcement*
Jaeden and gabbie looked at each other and nodded. They walked up in front of the room and they held hands. "Can I have your attention please" Jaeden said and everyone turned to look at them. "Me and Gabbie have an announcement" he was cut off by Wyatt, "don't say she's pregnant" everyone laughed. "No Wyatt I'm not pregnant" gabbie said. "Anyways, me and gabbie are dating" Jaeden said. Everyone was schocked. "Wait actually" Lauren said. "Yes actually" gabbie responded. "Yay, I'm so happy for y'all" Sophia said. "Congrats bro" Finn said. "Yeah congrats" the others said at the same time. They all looked at each other and laughed.

Before they new it, it was time to leave. Everyone else already left but gabbie and her mom. Gabbie and Jaeden sat on the swing for awhile and talked. "I don't want to leave" gabbie said squizzing Jaedens hand. " I don't want you to leave either." He said. The two inches closer and kissed. "I love you gabbie" he said. She was smiled "I-I love you too" she responded. They kissed again. But before they new it it was time to leave.
"Bye guys" jaedens mom said. "Bye" Gabbie's mom said. Jaeden walked gabbie to the car and said his last goodbye, "bye gab. I hope I can see you tomorrow" he said. "Yeah me too" they hugged and Gabbie got in the car.
The car drive away and Jaeden and his mom walked back inside and cleaned up. "You know Jaeden, I'm proud of you" she said. "Why mom?" He asked. "Because you got yourself the nicest girl in the world" she said making Jaeden pause. "Thanks momma, I love you" he said going upstairs. "I love you too Jaeden. And Gabbie's mom said she can come over tomorrow" she told him. He stopped and looked down at her and said, "yay,thank you momma" he said. "No problem Jaeden" she said. He walked in his room and flopped on his bed.

Meanwhile in the car
Gabbie and her mom where talking about all that had happened tonight. They arrived at home and before they got out the car Gabbie's mom said, "I'm letting you go back over there tomorrow" gabbie didn't think she heard right so she said, "wait,to Jaedens". "Yeah, who else's" she said laughing. "Wait actually! Omg mom I love you" she said giving her a hug and then running up to her room.  She decided to text Jaeden.

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