chapter twenty-five

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Gabbie and Jaeden put their phones down on the table and started talking. "Wyatt seems really kinda weird" she said laughing. "Yeah trust me he is." He said "hey do you want to go watch a movie or something in my room?" He asked her. "Yeah, of course. I'll will follow you" she said getting up, he did the same. "ok, follow me" he said.

The girl followed his up the stairs to his room. "Well here we are" he said opening the door. "Woah, it looks cool in here." She said admiring the room. His room had led lights all around the triming of the roof, he had a computer set up thingy, and several posters all along each side of his walls. "it smells good in here" she laughed "im glad, i couldn't tell if it smelt good or not" He said as he looked for the remote. While be was looking for the remote gabbie a message from her mom. "Who was that?" He asked. "Oh it was my mom" she said opening the text. Her mom had sent her a picture,of the two. *Image pictured below, pretend it's them*

 *Image pictured below, pretend it's them*

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"Aww" she said. "What?" Jaeden asked. She showed him the picture and he immediately went red. "look how cute you are" he said. "Well look at you" she responded. He found the remote and they sat on the bed. The sat at front of the bed and layed down.  "here let me turn the lights off" he said getting off the bed. "Ok" she said. He turned the lights off and ran and jumped on the bed. "Woah jae, watch out you almost sat on me" she said laughing. "Don't worry I won't sit on" he said. "So what do you want to watch?" He asked. "Oh let's watch america horror story" she said. He looked at her and said, "wait that's my favorite show." "No way that's mine too."

He turned the show on and Gabbie inched closer to him ever time a scary part came on. And before she new she was almost on top of him. Jaeden began to notice and he decided to put his arm around her. She looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back.

After awhile of watching the show gabbie soon fell asleep. And then alittle later Jaeden fell asleep to.  he

Acouple minutes later their moms got back, and Jaedens mom came upstairs to check on them. She knocked on the door but there was no answer, so she walked in. She saw they were both asleep. But she didn't see the way they were sleeping until she got closer. "aww" she said getting her phone out to take a picture. She toke several pictures before they woke up.

"Hey, mom your back" he asked in a sleepy voice. "Ugh yeah sweetie you need to get up because everyone will be here in an hour or so." She said to him. "Ok mom" be told as she walked out the room. "Hey gab, you need to wake up" he whispered to her. She just grunted. He then started tickling her. "This is what you get" he said tickling her until she got up. She laughed and said, "fine I'm getting up, but I will get you back" she said stretching.  They both got up and then Jaeden got a message. Gabbie asked, " who is it" because he looked shocked at his phone. He continued to look at the phone, because be got a message from his mom.  "Look a this" he said showing her the phone.

"oh wow" she said as they sat up. the two looked at each other and made eye contact. this lasted for about 20 seconds when jaeden leaned in. he was about 2 inches away from her face and said "can i kiss you?" the girl nodded. the two leaned in closer and placed a kiss upon each others lips.

"you have no clue how long i've wanted to do that" he laughed "oh me too" she said laughing along with him. "i think we should go downstairs" she said as she went to get up, but the boy grabbed her hand. "wait gabbie" he said as she turned around and looked at him. "yeah?" she asked "you know how we've known eachother for about 2 mounths now" he said making the girl get nervous "yeah i do" she responded as they made eye contact. "well it feels like more, and you make me so happy." he said as she stopped him "you make me happy to jaeden" she smiled "every time i hear your name or see a picture of you i get butterflies" he said as he cleared his throat. "and i was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my g-girlfriend" he said softly.

the girl looked at him and smiled "of course jaeden, i would love to" she said as she hugged him. the boy stood up and hugged her back. "i know it's early but, i love you gabbie" he said as she smiled "i love you more" she said as they exchanged a kiss.

"ok now let's go" he laughed

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