chapter twenty-three

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On the way there the two started talking about what they are going to do. But little did gabbie know Jaeden had a plan set up for when they got to his house. "Hey jae, take some pictures with me" she said. "Ugh,fine" he said sarcastically. They took acouple of pictures and then they were there already. Jaeden was nervous his mom didn't get the things but she did. "Welcome to my home" he said opening the door for gabbie. "Wow, jae it's beautiful" she said admiring the house as she got out the car.

"Here follow me" he said grabbing her hand. "Ok, whatever you say" she said as letting out a lot chuckle. The two walked in the house and the aroma of chicken nuggets filled the house. He brought her aroud the corner, to the kitchen. She saw the table and said, "wait you actually got me some." " Yes of course, I told I would be able to one day, and look at us now" he said. The girl hugged him and hugged him until she said this, "I'm hungry. Can we eat." "Haha, wow gabbie this is why I lo-" he got cut off by their parents.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" They asked. "Oh, Jaeden got me chicken nuggets." She said with a mouthful of food. "Omg, gabbie. You know not to talk with food in your mouth" her mom said laughing. "Well we have to go get some groceries, because the it cast and their parents are coming over tonight" his mom said. The two looked at each other, and Jaeden said, "wait, crap. I forgot" he said sleeping his forehead. "It's alright they won't be here until 6:30." His mom said to him. "Oh, ok" he said. "We will be back in acouple hours, don't do anything stupid" they said walking out the door.

"Sorry, gabbie. I forgot they were coming over today." He said in a sad voice. "Look jae it's ok. I can come back over tomorrow" she said to him. "No, I don't want you to go. You can stay and meet them if you want" he said. "Ok, yeah i might just do that" she said to him. "Ok, let's text the group and let them know" he said. "Yeah, let's do that" she said getting her phone out.

chicken nuggets/Jaeden MartellWhere stories live. Discover now