chapter thirty two

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*knock knock* Jaedens mom was knocking at the door"time to get up, were going to get food with Stacey". "Yes ma'am" gabbie said. Gabbie slowly woke up, and she realized she had to move, because how she was laying. She played with Jaedens hair for a moment until she said, "hey bub, time to get up." He didn't move so she started kissing his forehead. He laughed. "Ok,ok I'm up." He said sitting up,but Gabbie was still on his lap. "Woah" she said laughing. "Sorry" Jaeden said. "What time is it?" He asked. "I don't know, but your mom said were going to get food with my mom." Gabbie said, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Ok" he said. She placed her head on his forehead, and they locked eyes. Jaeden looked at her lips and leaned in. They touched lips and stayed that way. They pulled away, and laughed. "Ok come on now we need to get ready" gabbie said, as he leaned in for another kiss. "Dang you gab, your glad your cute" he said. She got up and walked to the bathroom. She shut the door behind her and locked it. While Jaeden waited he just sat on the bed. She then came out of the bathroom. "I didn't know we were going anywhere so I didn't get ready" she said on the phone, Jaeden whispered "who ya talking to?" She whispered back "my mom" he nodded his head. "So can you bring me some clothes please mom" she asked nicely. "Ok thankyou see you soon" she said as she hung up. "So your mom's bringing you more clothes" he asked her. "Yeah" she said.

"Let's go downstairs real quick" he said. "Ok,I'm coming" she said. They went downstairs to find his mom sitting on the couch watching TV. She heard them and turned around. "Oh, finally y'all wake up" she said laughing. "Yeah, mom we were tired so we took a nap" Jaeden said. They walked over to the couch and sat down. "So where are we going?" Jaeden asked. "Oh, were going out to eat with Gabbie's mom" she said. "Oh, ok" he said. Gabbie looked at him and smiled.

They sat there and talked until there was a knock at the door. "Oh it's probably my mom. I'll get it" gabbie said getting off the couch. She opened the door and it was her mom. "Oh hey Mom" she said giving her a hug. "Hey gab, I got your clothes"she said handing her a bag. "Thank you mom, Jaeden and his mom are on the couch" she said letting her mom in and shutting the door behind her. "Hey guys" her mom said. They all said hey, and Gabbie said, "I will be right back I'm going to change." They all said ok.

Gabbie went upstairs into Jaedens room. She shut the door behind her and began to change. She put her white short sleeve shirt on and she noticed it was kinda big so she decided to tie it in the front. She changed into her light wash wripped jeans, and she added a black belt with little gold holes in it. She also noticed her mom packed her white air Force ones. "YESS" she said grabbing the shoes out of the bag. She put her shoes on and went back downstairs.

"I'm finally done"she said walking up to Jaeden and his mom. Also her mom. "Ok let's go" his mom said. "Yeah, wanna take my car or your car?" Gabbie's mom asked. "Umm we can take your car"she said. "Ok, let's go" she said.  They all walked out and gabbie and Jaeden sat in the back. Jaeden whispered, "you look cute" she smiled at him and said, "you do too." He reached over for her hand and she grabbed it. They both laughed.

Their moms finally got in the car. "So where do y'all want to eat?" Gabbie's mom said looking in the mirror back at them. They looked at each other and said, "(insert random food place because idk I'm just dumb)." "Ok" she said. On the way there they didn't let go of each other's hands and just sat there.

After awhile they have finally arrived!

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