chapter eighteen

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Gabbie- bold
Jaeden- italics
Wyatt- both
Lauren- all

"It felt like I waited for ever for you to answer" he said laughing.
"I'm sorry, I was trying to eat pizza rolls" she said to him, watching him laugh. "Man his laugh is cute too." She whispered to Lauren hoping he didn't hear.
"Wait what did you say I didn't hear you?" The boy asked her, even though he heard her clearly, he tried not to blush. Watching the girl giggle made him even more attracted to her. He didn't realize he was staring until she turned around, he immediately looked away.
"Oh nothing, what are you doing" the girl said looking at the boy.
"Nothing really, just bored. I was so surprised about Finn's crush earlier, it's hard to believe it was l-" he was cut off by the girl.
"Oh yeah, me too." She said moving her eyes toward the left, to signal him that she was beside her.
"Anyways, Wyatt wants to meet you" Jaeden said. Turning the phone to the other boy.
"Oh ok, hi Wyatt" she said.
"Hey, how are you?" He asked
"I'm doing good , what bout you?" She asked.
"I'm good, But Jaeden likes y-" the boy didn't get to finish his sentence because his mouth was covered by Jaedens hand.
"So what are you doing?" He asked her.
"Oh me and Lauren are about to go watch a movie!" Gabbie said looking over at Lauren .
"Oh, yeah. I forget you were at Lauren's" Jaeden said still looking at the girl.
"Yeah, you wanna meet her?" She asked moving the camera closer to Lauren.
"Yeah, sure" he watched as she moved the camera over to the girl.
"Hi Jaeden, I'm Lauren" she said to him.
"Hi, how are you?" He asked
"Oh I'm doing great, thanks for asking. What about you?" She asked him.
"Oh I'm doing great, just bored you know" he said. Letting out a little laugh.
The girls looked at each other and smiled and gabbie was blushing. Jaeden looked over at them to see what was wrong.
"Are y'all ok?" He asked them
Gabbie looked back at the when she realized she was blushing.
"Oh yeah, were fine its just-" she was cut off my Lauren.
"She thought your laugh was cute" Lauren said.
Gabbie looked down at the ground and then looked back up at Jaeden.
"Haha, thanks?" Jaeden said.
"Hey Jaeden, finns here" Wyatt said.
Jaeden and Gabbie exchanged a surprised look and then laughed.
"Oh no" Jaeden said
"Oh no, is right." Gabbie said. Looking at Lauren shocked buy the words.
The two girls looked at each other, and then the boy walked in the room. Finn and Lauren exchanged a look, like they just saw a ghost.  Gabbie and Jaeden looked at each other trying not to laugh. 
"Ok let's go watch the movie now!" Lauren said.
"Ok, bye jae and Wyatt and Finn. I'll text you later Jaeden! Byeeee" she said carrying the e.
"Oh ok, bye guys" he was trying to say but Lauren hung up the phone.

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