part two

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Gabbie- Gabbie 🤩
Jaeden- Jaeden 😎

Jaeden 😎: hey o! I'm back.

Gabbie 🤩- yay! How are you?

Jaeden 😎: im great! Just got done filming.

Gabbie 🤩: oh wow, your an actor?

Jaeden 😎: yeah, I've been acting for years.

Gabbie 🤩: oh that's cool. I'm a social media influencer.

Jeaden 😎: oh that's cool. What's your Instagram so I can follow you.

Gabbie 🤩: oh it's @gabbiejames

Jaeden 😎: ok, I'm going to follow you.

Gabbie 🤩: kk, I'm about to post anyways!

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