chapter twenty-two

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Today was the day Jaeden and Gabbie were meeting. The girl woke up kinda early so she could get ready. She rolled out off the bed and laughed. "Well that's one way to start my morning" she said getting up. She walked to the bathroom and used it. After she got done she brushed her teeth and went downstairs.

She walked to the kitchen and started making her breakfast, while she was waiting to cook her breakfast she decided to text Jaeden

Gab <3 : gabbie
Jae 🥺: Jaeden

Gab : good morning jae. I know your probably not awake but I just wanted to text you anyways.

She got off her phone and continued to cook her breakfast. she finished her breakfast and headed upstairs to get dressed.

She looked in her closet and grabbed some black leggings, and grey long sleeved shirt. She didn't want to wear something to warm, or something that would make her cold. She then but on her white Dr.martins and some fuzzy socks.

After she got dressed she done her makeup. It is now 11 and Jaeden finally texted her back.

Gab <3: gabbie
Jae 🥺: Jaeden

Jae 🥺: hey sorry just got your message. Good morning to you too. 😂

Gab <3: haha it's alright. 2 more hours!

Jae 🥺: 2 more hours! You have no clue on how nervous I am

Gab <3: yeah same. I'm so excited

Jae 🥺: me too! Look I don't want to leave you but I need to take a shower so I don't stink 😂

Gab <3: oh ok, I understand. I don't want you to smell like rotten fish when I hug you 😂

Jae 🥺: yeah me neither, I will text you when I'm done

Gab <3: kk

The boy layed his phone down and continued to get ready. While the girl was at home happy as ever. Her and Jaeden haven't told anyone they were meeting, so she couldn't talk to lauren.

*12 pm

The girl ran downstairs and got her mom, so they could leave. "Mom, come on were going to be late. " She said grabbing her backpack. "Ok, ok. I'm coming. Let's go." She said. They got in the car and started driving.

Jaeden had just got done getting dressed. His mom came in to his room and said, "come on Jaeden, were going to be late" she said rushing him out if his room. "Ok, mom. I'm just so nervous" he said grabbing his phone off the bed. "Yeah, I know sweetie. It going to be alright" she patting him on the back as they walked out the door. They got in the car and drove off.

After awhile gabbie had arrived at the ice skating rink, and felt like she was going to be sick because she was so nervous. She decided to text him and tell him she was here.

Gab <3: Gabbie
Jae 🥺: Jaeden

Gab <3: hey jae, just wanted to let you know I'm here 😊

Jae 🥺: ok, were about to pull up

Gab <3: you have no clue how nervous I am.

Jae 🥺: why are you nervous?

Gab <3: because I finally get to see your cute face.

Jae 🥺: I guess I could say the same. Omg gabbie were here

Gab <3: omg omg I'm freaking out.

The girl put her phone in her lap so she could look for the boy. She then saw him. He parked and got out of the car. She did the same. The two ran at each other and hugged, they almost fell on the ground. " Omg your actually real" gabbie said not letting out of the hug. " And so are you." He said admiring the girls face. "Wow you are even cuter in person" he said making her blush like crazy. "I could say the same jae" she said to him, hugging him one last time before letting go.

They walked up to there mom's and introduced each other. But little did they know they were still holding hands. Their moms looked down at the same time and started laughing. Gabbie looked down and let go of his hand. Making him blush. "Well mom, this is Gabbie. Gabbie, this is my mom Angela." He said. "Hi, Mrs, Angela, I'm Gabbie." She said sticking out her hand for her to shake. They shook hands and then gabbie introduced her mom. "Well mom, this is Jaeden. Jaeden this is my mom Stacey." She said. Jeaden stuck out his hand for her to shake and they did.

"Ok, well we better for get out skates before it's to late" Jaedens mom said. "Yeah, good idea" Gabbie's mom said.

They two walked up to the booth, laughing about random things and still admiring how they were real. They finally made it to get the skates. "We need one size 11 in men, and one is size..." He said looking at her. "Oh size 7 in women please" she said to the worker he nodded and handed them the shoes. "Have fun you two" the worker said walking away.

They put on their skates and tried to get on the ice. Jaeden was already a pro at it but gabbie wasn't. She almost fell several times making both of them laugh. "Here let me help you" Jaeden said grabbing her hands. "Ok, thank you" she said.  He noticed she was shivering so he asked her "are you cold?" "Yeah, kinda. I didn't expect it to be freezing" she said laughing. "Here take my jacket" he said taking it off. "you know you don't have to " she said. "Yeah, but I don't want you to get sick" he said handing her the jacket. She put it on and said, "thanks jae" they continued to skate for a little longer.

While hey were skating the mom's were talking and getting to know each other alittle more. And they saw the perfect opportunity to snap a picture. So they did. "Aww look at our babies" Gabbie's mom said. "Yeah, I know. They grow up to fast" she said in response.

After awhile they were done, skating. "Wow that was fun" Gabbie said as Jaeden helped her off the rink. "Yeah, I know we should did again sometime" he said sitting down to take the skates off. She did the same. When they sat down they didn't realize both there hands were in the same spot. Causing them to touch. She noticed and squizzed his hand. And he looked down then up to her, he let out a little smile. And so did she. She removed her hand only so she could take her shoes off and put hers back on. He did the same. They brought the shoes back to the worker ,and said "thank you" at the same time and they looked at each other and laughed.

They walked back up to their moms and they began talking about random stuff. "Ok, well are y'all ready" Jaedens mom asked. "Well, yes and no. I don't want to leave you. Even though I just meet you" gabbie said on the verge of crying. "Yeah same" they hugged. And while hey were hugging they heard their moms talking. "Ok, fine I guess we call all come over to our house" Jaedens mom said laughing, while watching the two hug.

Gabbie let go of him and said, "really?" "Yes sweetie, were going to Jaedens." Gabbie's mom said. The two looked at each other and they watched the others face light up with excitement. "Yay", she said. "Ok come on let's go" her mom said. "Mom, can I ride with Gabbie" Jaeden asked his mom. "Yes, as long as it's ok with Stacey" she said. He looked at her mom and asked, "is it ok if I ride with y'all?" "Yes, of course" she said. They all got in the car. Gabbie and Jaeden sat in the back so they could be together more.

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