First Monster Fight (Avengers 2012)

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The exploding arrow causes a turbine to heavily undergo damage. At the same time, the fire from the explosion runs through parts of the Helicarrier and separate the Avengers in the lab.

Y/N,Bruce, and Nat fall straight down, due to Y/N covering Nat, he takes the most of the impact.

Y/N moans in pain as his vision starts to blink in and out, with an added ring in his ears.

He starts to look around and stops when his eyes land on his trapped leg.

"Ohh nooo..." he moans out as he struggles to get his leg from under two huge pipes that fell with him.

"Come on God, I need my legs here!!" Y/N screams in his head

"L/N? Romanoff?" Y/N hears Fury call out in his earpiece,

Natasha finally comes out her daze and instantly freaks out when she sees Y/N struggling to get free from the debris.

"Y/N! H-hang on!" She cries out as she crawls over and helps free his leg from entrapment.

"I'm hanging in there...." He moans out in reply as he starts to get more wiggle room, he then puts his hand on his earpiece.

"We're okay....kinda" he responds before looking at Bruce from a few feet away, whose straining to do anything but pant in pain and anger

"Definitely okay...."

Bruce continues to moan as he struggles to get off the ground, causing Y/N to freak out slightly and Natasha to hurry with the pipes crushing the poor kids leg.

"Doctor?" Romanoff asks in worry, "Bruce? You got to fight it. This is just what Loki wants." She then gets one pipe off Y/N's leg, causing him to sigh in slight relief

" She then gets one pipe off Y/N's leg, causing him to sigh in slight relief

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"We're going to be okay. Listen to me" She adds in before two tech officers come running in

"You hurt?" One yells out, causing Y/N to wave them off, as he then turns his attention to Banner.

"Hey...Um doc.... I know I said.." he grunts in slight pain as Nat starts to lift the second pipe off,
"That it would be see the Hulk....but nows really not a good t-"

"YOUR LIFE!!!!!" Bruce roars in a monstrous voice, causing Y/N to shut up immediately as Bruce continues to grunt and bear his teeth before rising up on his knees and roars.

Y/N and Nat both look at the doctor rapidly change as his shirt starts to tear and rip, and his body underneath expands. He then roars in pain as he crawls a bit away from the frightened pair as his transformation gets worse and worse.

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