Switching It Up (Civil War 2016)

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Y/N is seen in a tank top, black sweatpants, and barefoot. He is rapidly hitting a boxing bad, overthinking about what transpired a few hours ago.


He hits the bag even harder, gritting his teeth as sweat runs down his face and arms.


"Fuck!" He grits out as he hits the bag with his right fist repeatedly.


"ARGH!" He yells as he punches the bag off the chain, creating a hole in the bag as he lays deflated on the ground, sand spilling over the floor.

Y/N looks down at the bag in distaste, totally forgetting that he can't allow his strength to let out if he's not paying attention to it.

With a huff, he goes to get another bag before he hears footsteps approaching him. Without acknowledgement it, he goes towards another bag.

"Y/N, do you have a moment?" Steve asks

Y/N, guessing that Cap wants to give a lecture, starting to untie his bindings on his wrists,
"Well, you just took the moment, so might as well keep going. What's up?"

Steve gestures to the door. "I just want to talk. Let's go outside."

Y/N takes off his bindings and follows the Captain, who pushes the door open.

As they walk out, Y/N also sees Sam standing in a corner, Y/N gives Wilson a nod as the Falcon gives out a small smile as he joins them.

The Sharingan-wielder stands patiently as he waits for Captain America to start talking.

"For the record, I still feel you need to be disciplined for your behavior as of late."

"What the hell am I, six?"

Captain America lets out a sight of reluctance. "But no one here can deny what you provide for the team."

Y/N nods as he's trying to figure out what exactly he brought him out here for.

"There's a fugitive we've been hunting down, I'm sure you remember him, Agent Rumlow."

Y/N widens his eyes before looking at Sam,
"Rumlow? I thought you said he was crushed in that building we got you out of?"

Sam shakes his head, "The lucky bastard survived and has been causing trouble since."

Y/N then looks back at Steve,
"Why the hell wasnt I told of this earlier?"

"Didn't want too much on your plate." Steve Answers, causing L/N to roll his eyes slightly

"So, I guess my plate got magically bigger since you need me for something."

Steve shrugs, "You could put it like that. We've got good intel he's planning to make an assault in Nigeria in a few days." He explains. "You're coming with us so we can finally arrest him."

"Sounds good to me." Y/N says. "Who else is coming along?"

"The team will consist of Me, Sam, Pietro, Wanda, Natasha, and yourself."

"What about Barton?" Y/N asks in curiosity

"Taking time off to be with his family," Steve responds, "Now, the plan is to remain hidden amongst the people in Lagos until Rumlow makes his move. He and his men will be carrying lots of firepower, so be ready."

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