My Order's (Winter Soldier 2014)

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"Three holes. Start digging." Rumlow commands as he hops out his black truck along with multiple agents. They arm themselves as they approach the van the fugitives are "held" in.

A soldier stands near behind the truck, as Rumlow and others aim their guns as the doors open. What they find instead, is a hole on the truck floor, a dead soldier, and a piece of paper.

Rumlow carefully approaches the paper and picks it up, the note reads.

Better luck next time, bee-yotch....

Rumlow angrily crumples you the paper and slams his palm against the truck.


Hill eventually takes the 4 of them to a secret facility. Steve is first time come out the van, then Hill, Y/N is seen holding a injured Natasha by his side, then Sam.

Agent Hill takes them through a gate, which leads to a dark hallway, where they see a middle-aged man come towards them.

"GSW. She's lost at least a pint." Hill lets the man know as he meets up to them.

"Let me take her." "She'll want to see him first" Hill says as Y/N and Nat glance at each other in slight confusion.

Hill leads them to a set of curtains and slowly opens it up.

"I fucking knew it...." Y/N thinks to himself as it's revealed to be Nick Fury laying down. He slowly looks up, "It's about damn time."

Fury then looks at a smirking Y/N,"I'll assume you wept while I was taking my extended "nap"

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Fury then looks at a smirking Y/N,
"I'll assume you wept while I was taking my extended "nap"."

"Oh, you have no idea. I was thinking I couldn't live on without my Uncle Fury." Y/N playfully states

Fury continues to lay down as the four fugitives surround his bedside, "Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache."

"And don't forget your collapsed lung." The physician reminds Fury as he puts pressure on Natasha wound.

"Lets not forget that.....but otherwise, I'm good."

"But.....they cut you open. Your heart stopped." Romanoff adds in, "Tetrodotoxin B." Fury answers back, "Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it."

"Makes sense I'd say. You can't hide that from ears like this." Y/N says as he points to his ear, "I hear everything of course."

"Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" Steve asks, in which Hill answers, "Any attempt on the Director's life had to look successful."

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