Into A Birds Nest (Winter Soldier 2014)

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The trio, with Rogers on the wheel, fly past the "Welcome to New Jersey" in a Chevy Truck. Which slightly impressed Y/N as he checks his duffel bag to make sure everything is in order.

"Swords....check. Knives.....check.Shurikens.....check and armor.....check." He then zips up his back and smiles at the two adults in the front.

"Everything's in order for me. We all would've been screwed if the best player in this truck wasn't fully equip." He smiles as he knows Cap doesn't like it when Y/N gets cocky.

Nat looks back and gives Y/N a faint smile before looking at Steve, "Where did Captain America learn to steal a car?"

"Nazi Germany. And we're borrowing so take your feet off the dash." He orders, which earns a look from Natasha before doing what was told.

Really wanting to know the answer, she blurts out,
"All right, I have a question for you. Which you don't have to answer."

"Which also means you do." Y/N butts in, knowing Nat always wants answers when asking someone.

"What?" Steve lets out,
"Was that your first kiss since 1945?"
This causes Y/N to squint his eyes in jealousy as he huffs out a bit before leaning back into his seat.

"Boring conversation anyway...." He mutters in his head as he just looks out the window.

"That was not my first kiss since 1945! I'm 95, I'm not dead." Steve fires back, causing Nat to let up a little.
"Hey, it wasn't bad. It was....good I guess? Just surprised me, that's all." She then fires another question,

"Nobody special, though?" This causes Steve to scoff a little, "Believe it or not, it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience."

"You know..." Steve starts off while looking ahead,
"It's kind of hard to trust someone, when you don't know who that someone really is."

Nat then looks in the rear view mirror to a non-responsive and slightly angered Y/N. She raises her eyebrow as she then turns to the 19 year old,

"How you doing back there?" For a few seconds, Y/N does nothing but continue to look out the door,
He mutters something under his breath, at which Nat couldn't hear well.

"What?" Without looking away from the window, he responds "I said, I'll get out of your guys way while you conversate about sucking each other's mouths again." He lets out with a certain undertone in his voice.
Which Nat caught on as jealousy, she smirks as she then gets up and goes to the back seat next to Y/N.

"W-what are you doing?" Y/N widens his eyes as Nat wraps her arms around his right arm and closes her eyes. "Conversation's over." She whispers under her breath.

"W-what's the s-suppose to m-" He then looks down to Nat with her eyes closed and a small smile on her face as she leans on his shoulder, seemingly falling asleep. Which also earns him a red-faced expression and a chuckle from Steve.

"Well, who knows when I'll get an opportunity like this again." Y/N then settles in as he slowly leans his head against the sleeping Romanoff and closes his eyes.


An hour or so later, Steve pulls up to an old training facility, by which he stops in front of the gate.
"Y/N, Natasha......we're here." This causes Y/N to yawn loudly and look to see Nat still on his shoulder.
"Hey Nat..." He shakes her gently from his shoulder, causing her to whine a bit with her eyes still closed.

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