Bones 2 Pick (Civil War 2016)

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"Keep your arms up!" Black Widow instructs before she goes to stab Y/N with the practice knife in her hand.

The blade and edges of the knives were dull so they wouldn't cause a serious injury by accident but getting hit by them still hurted a lot.

Y/N pushes Natasha's right wrist away just before she could make contact, redirecting the knife thrust into the air harmlessly. Natasha swings the other blade in her left hand at his head. Ducking out of the way, he lands a hard knee in her gut.

She feels the wind get knocked out of her as the practice knives fall from her hands. With a tight grip on the collar of her shirt, Titan flips the Black Widow over his shoulders and slams her down to the mat.

She quickly gets up as she uses her fists to strike at Y/N. This spar was without the use of his Sharingan, so this was his own reflexes and instincts.

He continues to dodge his head left and right as she gets faster and faster. Y/N then notices his vision blur for a couple seconds, causing him to stagger a bit. This gives Romanoff the opening to land two quick strikes on each of his cheeks.

"Urgh!" He lets out as he loses his footing, but remains on the balls of his feet. Y/N blocks Nat's kick with his left forearm and retaliates by throwing a right punch into a opening near her ribs.

Nat manages to avoid it in time and rolls backwards before she opens fire with a pair of pistols. They are loaded with blanks but getting hit by just one of them would sting like hell.

Y/N flips to the side to avoid the first volley of rounds, only to have Natasha fire another burst at where he landed. There was no time to jump again even with his amazing reflexes... so Y/N simply drops to the floor on his stomach before he pushes himself back up with his hands.

His vision acts up again as it also comes with a slight sting to his head, Natasha leaps up and wraps both legs around his neck before flipping him on his back.

"Damn.." He groans as Natasha stands above him with a smirk plastered on her face. Y/N continues to just lay on his back as he rubs his eyes with his forearms.

The red-headed assassin takes a seat next to him as he remains on his back, catching his breath. Black Widow wasn't kidding when she said she wouldn't go easy on him just because she was his girlfriend now...if anything, she worked him even harder than before. But Y/N proved more than capable of keeping up with her more aggressive training

Natasha couldn't help but smile proudly at Y/N as she sits upright.

"...Is something wrong?" She asked. He was staring at the ceiling with a faraway look in his E/C eyes.

Titan blinks out of his thoughts and shakes his head. "No, everything's fine. I was just thinking about how cool it have you with me. There's a part of me that keeps thinking this is all some sort of damn dream."

"I don't want her to worry too much about my vision deteriorating."

A smirk graces her face before Natasha suddenly straddles Y/N's hips.

"It's not a dream, мой маленький воин." She whispers. Her face is just inches away from his.
"I am here to stay with you for as long as possible."

Y/N chuckles to himself,
"Then would it be too soon to say we should be together forever? Not being pushy."

Natasha leans in and captures Y/N's lips for a kiss. "Of course not. It's what I want too."

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