Quitting in Style (Winter Soldier 2014)

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Alright Mates, this is the last chapter of the Winter Soldier. Again, this is a long one.

During the shootout, Rumlow manages to override the protocol and the helicarriers slowly lift from the water.

"They've initiated launch." Agent Hill speaks through his comms link.

"Damn it." Y/N lets out as him, Cap and Sam are seen running towards the objective.

"Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guy?" Sam asks, causing Y/N to roll his eyes,

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." He replies as Sam activates his wingsuit and Y/N unsheathe his sword.

"Give me a lift, will ya Birdboy..." Y/N asks as all three leap off the building down towards a Helicarrier. Sam grabs Y/N by one arm as they lift off, and Y/N looks down at Cap descending towards his Helicarrier.

"Lets give them hell." Y/N, as Sam is lifting him, looks down and breaths out several fire balls at enemies below.

As Sam and L/N fly up towards another Helicarrier, gun turrets suddenly fire at the both of them, causing Sam to maneuver out the way.

"Hey Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about." "You think?" Y/N bellows as they continue to avoid the dangerous gunfire.

Cap is seen taking cover after throwing a grenade into HYDRA soldiers, "You two okay?"

"Never better! We aren't- WOAH!" He lets out as a projectile gets dangerously close to them, 
"- dead yet!" Y/N screams out as Sam lifts and twists up in the air

"Never better! We aren't- WOAH!" He lets out as a projectile gets dangerously close to them,  "- dead yet!" Y/N screams out as Sam lifts and twists up in the air

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"I sure hope you keep this up Sam!" Y/N screams as he sees how high up they are, "I'm not trying to get shot out the sky!"


Pierce is seen looking at the sight from the window, he slowly turns towards the council, being held hostage by Pierce's hit squad and lifts up a new glass.

"Let me ask you a question....What if Pakistan marched into Mumbai tomorrow, and you knew that they were going to drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution and you could stop it, with a flick of the switch."

He then hands the glass to Councilman Singh,
"Wouldn't you? Wouldn't you all?" He looks around at each of them.

Singh angrily spits on the ground at Pierce's feet.
"Not if it was your switch." He then throws the glass to the ground, shattering it instantly.

"Though at first, I thought you were the better candidate, I now see it was a good idea to hand Titan over to Fury's watch."

Pierce chuckles at that notion,
"Councilmen, you seem to forget, but I have watch over everything. Just a shame Insight will have to take the kid out as well."

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