Live Up 2 The Name (Avengers 2012)

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"Calm down Y/N, I'll be okay!" Nat tries to reassure the frantic Y/N, whose looking anywhere for medical supplies to help with her bleeding shoulder.

"How am I suppose to calm down...." he starts off as he finally gets a cotton ball, alcohol, and a bandage,
"When you are bleeding gallons of blood-" Exaggeration
"- which can lead to blood loss, which can lead to death!"

He sits her down and carefully goes to work, not noticing Romanoff looking at the teen's concentrated face.

"Ok....allll done!" He cries out minutes later as he examines his work,
"Not bad if I do say so myself.....and I do say so myself."

He surprises Nat when he grabs her in for a big hug, she widens her eyes for a second before embracing him back

"Don't do that to me again, you hear?" He whispers as he continues to hug her,

"I hear...." She smiles, finding it touching that Y/N wants no harm to befall her

"Agent Coulson is down." Fury announces to everyone through their earpieces

"A medical team is on their way to your location." A agent tells Fury

"They're here.....they called it."

After Y/N leaves Nat to freshen up a bit, he walks through the very quiet corridor and walks in onto Tony and Steve sitting quietly, with Fury looking at the two briefly while standing.

Y/N for once, has no words as he walks around Steve, who nods to Y/N in greeting and Tony puts a hand on Y/N shoulder with a small smile,
"Glad you're safe kid."

Y/N sits on the right side of the table and also joins in on the silent conversation, waiting on what is the next move.

"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket." Fury starts off as he holds up a pair of cards, splotched with blood.

"Guess he never did get you to sign them." Fury  throws the cards across the table and land in front of Steve.

"We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, the location of the cube, Banner, Thor... I got nothing for you. I lost my one good eye...."

"You still have one left." Y/N states as he looks up from his lap, causing Nick to finally look at the Agent.

"Yeah...." Y/N starts off as he shakes his head slightly,
"Everything right now looks pretty shitty.... We lost the battle. And it was a heavy one. But we can't be down for long. We can't let that horn-wearing egoistical skinny bastard think he's won. He doesn't deserve that, and we shouldn't accept it with our heads down."

This causes Tony and Steve to also look up at Y/N, is this the same kid that they met a few hours ago?

"What we can and should do regroup, try and find anything we can to locate Loki, and take back what isn't his. Isn't it our job to do what we signed up for? Shouldn't we live up to the name we were asked to bear? We're The Avengers, lets start acting like it." He ends with a crooked smile,
"Just something to think about."
He gets up, pats Tony and Steve on the shoulder, nods to Fury, and walks out.

As he walks away, he squeals slightly to himself
"Man.....that felt so GOOD! I totally gotta give out more speeches in the future!"

Nat and Clint are currently in a room, with a Barton strapped to a chair and straining mightily to get the remaining energy out of his head.

"'re going to be alright."

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