Eye Of The Titan (Age Of Ultron 2015)

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Last Chapter of Age Of Ultron, hope y'all enjoyed this.

The Ultron Monster cackles above as the Avengers look up at a "bigger" threat.

Cap, seemingly unfazed, puts on a stern look,
"Okay, team. Lets not forget our main priority: getting everyone out of Sokovia."

"And getting rid of this huge pile of metal shit..."
Y/N points out as he clenches his fists.

"Someone needs to protect the core and...."

"I'll do it." Everyone turns to see Wanda standing firm, "It's my job."

Steve nods as he looks back at the others,
"Half of us need to keep leading people to the safe boats. Me, Natasha, And Clint will continue to get people to safety. Y/N, Vision, Pietro, Thor, And Hulk....get rid of this metal bastard."

"And I'll continue to look into how to destroy this core." Tony lets out as he flies away.

Natasha and Y/N give each other one last look before separating, hoping all goes well and they get back to each other.

Y/N reforms his mask over his face as his team faces the Ultron behemoth, "Alright guys, we need to think about ways to bring th-"

Hulk roars as he runs forward and leaps towards the giant. He rapidly approaches the giant in the air, but Ultron widens his mouth and fires a huge concentrated beam of energy, impacting Hulk and throwing him miles away.

Y/N widens his eyes as he sweatdrops at how easy that just seemed, "A-and that's why you don't run headfirst at a problem."

Y/N turns his attention towards Thor, "Alright, I'll need you to distract him. Bottle up lighting, summon wind, whatever you have to do to get his attention to you."

Thor nods as he spins his hammer rapidly and flies towards the sky, he thrusts his hammer up, causing lighting to channel through his weapon, and fires a bolt of lightning into the chest of Ultron, who shrieks in pain.

"Vision, you take care of his middle, you have the phasing....run through him."

Vision immediately takes off in the air and whilst Ultron is distracted, flies behind him and goes through his back, destroying the Ultron bots from within.

"Pietro, you take care of the bottom half, run circles around him and take out the base."

Pietro nods in agreement but doesn't move yet,
"So, what are you going to do?"

Y/N smirks under his mask as he pricks his finger with a kunai, "I got a pet that might want a new chew toy."

The speedster doesn't try to think about that statement too much as he dashes off and circles around Ultron's base, punching and kicking away the Ultron bots that make up his bottom half.

Y/N slams his fist on the ground,

A huge cloud of smoke comes into view, causing the Ultron monster to swat Thor away with one of his hands and look forward.

Y/N appears on top of a purple snakes head, who hisses and slithers into view,

Y/N appears on top of a purple snakes head, who hisses and slithers into view,

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