Crashing This Ship (Winter Soldier 2014)

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A/N: This is a long chapter boys and girls, so buckle up. And while you at it, show some support and/or feedback, because why not?


"Again!" Y/N commands as he holds the punching bag steady. In front of the bag is a 15 year old Vito, with his gloved hands on his knees as he breathes out in exhaustion.

"Boys!" They then turn to see Martha in the doorway, "All that punching must have you two hunger. Come join your brothers and sisters." She waves them over, causing Vito to huff in happiness that the torture is over.

Y/N rolls his eyes as he takes off his wraps,
"You lucky V, real lucky." Y/N then goes over and helps Vito take his boxing gloves off his hands. They soon gather their belongings from the workout room and head out.

"Wait Wait Wait.." Martha stops them,
"Lift those arms up." She demands, causing Vito to moan in protest, but does it anyway. She walks over to him and sniffs his armpit.

"Oh geez..." she grimaces as she pushes him past the doorway, "Shower."

Y/N smirks as he watches Vito drag himself to the washroom, "He did okay today." He directs at Martha, "much better then the first time he hit the bags. He couldn't even nudge the bag an itch."

Martha looks over at the teen and puts on a small smile as well. She reminisces as she continues to stare at the now 19 year old standing before here.

"What?" Y/N snaps her out her daze, "something on my face besides my good looks?" Martha smirks at his quips as she gently pushes him through the doorway.

The family all sit together at the dinner table and converse amongst themselves. Y/N is seated in between Emma (who's now 13) and L (who's now 17).

Y/N looks over at L, who is as usual, picking at his macaroni. "Dude.... just eat your food. Martha doesn't poison her cooking." Y/N then looks over at Martha, "She'd want to kill us in a more spectacular fashion." He adds in with a cheesy smile, causing Martha to glare at him.

"I'm aware she didn't add poison. Just taking my time with my food." L responds in his classic "I don't care" tone.

"Well, time is ticking. My mouth will gladly take in what's on your plate." Ben cries out as he continues to stuff his face, which earns grimaces from the siblings around the table.

"Hey Y/N?" Ellie asks as she looks at her older brother, "Yeah?" "What are the Avengers up to lately?" This causes Y/N to stiffen slightly as he nervously glances at his precious little sister,

"Uh.... not much I suppose. W-why do you ask?"

She shrugs, " no reason.....just assume all the teenage boys keep up with them."

"Well..." He then takes a bite of his bacon, "as you all should know, I'm not like other boys. I don't keep up with that boy band." Y/N then glances at L, who stares at the secret Avenger with his piercing green eyes.

"L could be one scary villain if he put his mind to it..."

"Slightly interested in how this gifted team affects the world in the coming years." L comments flatly, slightly surprising Y/N at the table.

"L excited about something? Where's my brother and what have you done with him?"

"What do you mean silly?" Emma giggles, "L is right here."

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