Cherry Bomb (GOTG 2016)

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"Y/N!" Gamora cries out as her and Peter lift him off the ground.

"You alright, pal?" Quill asks as Y/N feels a strange rumble throughout his body.

"Y-yeah..." He strains out, "I'll be fine...."

Gamora lets go of Y/N's arm and looks down at the orb in her hand, "How could I think Tivan could contain wheat we was within the Orb?!"

Rocket walks in front of them in frustration,
"What do you still have it for?"

"Well, what are we gonna do? Leave it in there?!" Quill asks as nobody notices Y/N starts gritting his teeth.

He closes his eyes as he claws at his neck slightly, something obvious wrong with him.

"Oh, a new host. And a familiar one, at that. We're gonna tear shit up!" A demonic voice sneers inside his head.

"Who the hell is this?" Y/N spits out to himself quietly as the Guardians keep talking amongst themselves.

"Ha, I would almost feel hurt by you not remembering me."

Y/N slightly opens his eyes as the voice is starting to sound more and more familiar. The being inside him caught onto this.

"Yeeeessssss, so you DO remember...."

"No.....not you, anyone but you." He groans to himself..


Cletus Kasady, convicted serial killer and sociopath, recently escaped prison and is now being roaming throughout the streets without a care in the world.

Cletus Kasady, convicted serial killer and sociopath, recently escaped prison and is now being roaming throughout the streets without a care in the world

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"Ohhh..." He says to himself as he looks around at all the people minding their business,
"So much blood, so little time...."

A foot flies in and lands against Cletus's chest, causing him to blow back into the street in a painful roll.

The killer looks up and smirks to himself as he sees Y/N in his armor and mask, staring down at Kasady.

"Well, well, well...if it isn't The Titan." Cletus chants out as he gets on his feet

"If I would've escaped prison, I would think to keep a low profile. Not walk amongst the streets." The masked Y/N lets out as they both stand in the streets.

"Why not?" Kasady looks around, "I wouldn't dare miss out on my little entrees walking around."

"You're fucking sick, you know that? Like Hannibal Lecter sick."

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