Newfound Hope (Endgame 2023)

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Y/N is once again in the forest of Wakanda but finds himself unable to move. Laying around him are the broken bodies of his fellow Avengers, their dead expressions are one of shock and horror. Blood pours out of the Black Widow's mouth as her lifeless eyes stares at him.
Before he could say anything else, her body fades away and is replaced by Irina. She immediately reaches out for him with her left hand. Y/N is able to extend his right arm towards her but just as their fingers are about to touch...Irina swiftly turns to dust too.

"You've fought well, insect..."
Y/N turns around and finds Thanos standing behind him menacingly. Wanda and L are being held by their necks in both his hands. The two Avengers are trying to break free with everything they have.
There is a sickening sneer on the mad Titan's face. "But your efforts were for naught."

And with a single burst of strength, Thanos coldly snaps both of their necks in front of the distraught L/N. Y/N feels his heart drop as their bodies fall to the floor and lay motionless.

The wind starts to pick up violently as the sky turns dark. Y/N slowly looks up and feels his heart stop when he spots a large figure looming over him and a silver streak headed towards its large hand.

 Y/N slowly looks up and feels his heart stop when he spots a large figure looming over him and a silver streak headed towards its large hand

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"Y/N, wake up!"

Natasha wakes up immediately after she hears her husband cry out in his sleep. She carefully shakes Y/N by his chest to wake him up from the nightmare that is plaguing his mind right now.

He doesn't seem to hear her at all. She tries again with a louder tone of voice. "Y/N, wake up!"

Natasha is barely able to move her hand back as Y/N sits up at an alarming speed. His breathing is heavy and erratic at first but it gradually goes back to normal after a minute. Y/N wipes away some of the sweat off his forehead before he looks at her.

"N-Nat? Damn...Sorry if I woke you."

She shakes her head, rubbing his back in a soothing circular motion. "It's alright. How do you feel?"

"Restless and a little thirsty."
Natasha grabs a bottle of water from the small table beside their bed and hands it to him. Y/N thanks her before he removes the cap and begins to drink.

"Drink it slowly." She gently reminds him. "I don't want to choke on accident."

Y/N snickers a bit as he continues to drink up drank about half of the water before he gives the bottle back to his girlfriend. She sets it aside in case he needs another drink later.

"Was it the same nightmare again?"
"No...but it was similar. Irina got erased again but this time, Thanos killed Wanda and Leonidas right in front of me." He mutters, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb. He can't really explain what it is he saw at the end, so he doesn't bother to bring it up.

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