a & a - together again ⚠️

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a/n: this is a rather mature chapter, so if you're not comfortable reading subjects such as sex, this proably isn't the chapter for you. i'll put a warning (⚠️⚠️⚠️) before it actually starts so you innocents can skip to the next chapter :)

She sees him before he sees her. She's on the balcony of the hype house when she sees him get out of the car. She didn't bother to pick up her phone, but instead squeals as she sprints down the stairs, throwing the front door open. She sobs when she sees him, running over to him and jumping in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. They stay like that, comfortable in each other's arms. He can't help but press small kisses to her neck, before Avani pulls away, staring into his eyes with adoration. He closes the small distance between them and kisses her softly, gently. She pulls away, and he wipes tears off of her cheeks before pressing a kiss to replace them. His finger comes to rest underneath her chin, tipping her face ever so slightly upward to meet his, and she sighs as she presses her lips softly against his again. She's blushing when he pulls away, and Anthony can't help but press another on her lips, this one lasting longer than the previous.

"Date night?" he whispers, placing her on the ground.

"Of course bebe," she smiles, lacing her fingers with his.

An hour later, they sat together, Avani on his lap, looking out over the ocean.

The setting sun paints the sky in a shade of tangerine as work their way through the snacks, the soothing sound of the waves rolling into shore filled the comfortable silence that had fallen over them. Before long, the crisp December day becomes a cold December night, and Avani rests her head against Anthony's stomach, smiling up at him when he begins to run his fingers through her hair. She reaches up to kiss him again. It felt new and invigorating again, to be kissing him after so long apart. Anthony held her frame inside his arms as their legs tangled together. It felt so perfect, so familiar, her knees bracketed either side of him and her soft lips pressed against his, that they could have stayed together like that for hours. She broke away, and their fingers tangle together where their hands meet at her waist. Avani smiled. This is all she had ever wanted.

They slowly wonder back to the car, Avani on his back. The feeling of her head resting on his shoulder grounds both of them, and they're thankful for the comfort, the familiarity. They reach the car, and he traps her against it, leaning down to kiss her. It was sweet at first, and they smile at each other before Anthony leans in for another, this one less gentle. It is a kiss that reminds her of the times they had missed, the distance that had separated them for more than eight months. The kisses become heated, desperate, needy.

And just as quickly as it starts, Avani pulls away. "Back to the house?" she mutters under her breath. Anthony nods, opening the passenger seat door for her.

Ten minutes into the car ride home, Avani put her hand on Anthony's upper thigh and he tenses, before relaxing into the touch. "I'm eighteen now bebe, I can make whatever decisions I like," she says. He smirks at her suggestive tone, but he didn't take his eyes off of the road.

"I know bebe. My independent young woman."

They were given many looks upon entering the house, yet they ignored them all, mumbling a quick hello to Thomas, Chase and Alex who were still up at this abnormal hour of the morning.


As they make it into her room, Anthony steps in front of her, pushing her gently against the now locked door, his hands on her hips. Avani smiles; she knew what he was doing, and she welcomed it; they had been apart for far too long. She moans into his mouth as his tongue swipes her top lip. He holds her face against his, unwilling to let her go. He continued his assault on her lips. Her fingers fiddle with the hem of his shirt and he pulled away. They stared at each other, the intensity of their gaze conveying exactly what each other needed to know. They both want this. They've been leading towards this moment all night.

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