a & b - my girl

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a/n: enjoy !! it took me a few more days to write this than i expected, but regardless, here it is :) 


also, listen to the slowed down version of  "i lived" that i've put as the video when reading this part.


She couldn't breathe. Sobbing, Addison closed twitter and opened messages. Opening Charli's contact, she sent her message.


i know you have every right to hate me and you dont have to forgive me ever, but please know that im so so so sorry for liking those comments. 

there's no excuse because i did it and it wasn't right, but that was when he broke up with me and i was really depressed and i tried finding as much love as i could.

can i facetime you?

read  2:58pm 

Addison sucked in a breath. She didn't want to lose Charli and Dixie. They were her best friends.



it's okay

come over to mine i wanna talk in person

dix wants to talk to you too

nothing bad i promise


omg i love you

thank you so much

ill be there in a few minutes

She let out a breath of relief, turning off her phone and flopping back on her bed for a moment. She closed her eyes. She might still have a chance. Addison picked up her purse and threw herself in the car. Tears were still spilling out of her when she pulled up at the D'Amelio house, and she struggled to lift her hand to knock on the door. She didn't need to wait long after she finally did so though, and just moments after taking her hand away, Charli opened it. The sight of her broke Addison and she found herself crying harder as Charli pulled her in for a hug.

They stood together, Charli's arms wrapped around Addison. "I'm so sorry. I was looking to make me feel better and I was so ignorant to your feelings and I know that you may never want to be friends with me but you should know that I'll always love you."

"Addi, I know what you were doing and I know that you didn't have bad intentions. It's okay. You're still the sweetest person I know. Now. Dixie's out the back. She wants to talk to you, but I promise she's not going to grill you."

They trekked through the house, and Addison looked down at her feet as Charli opened the back door for her. She looked up, and Dixie stood with her arms outstretched. Addison sucked in a breath before running into her arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she muttered.

Dixie pulled away from her, "Hey, if Charli is unbothered, I'm unbothered, okay."

Addison nodded, "but what about your tweets?"

"They were towards Dariyanka, it's okay."

"You sure?"

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