long one-shot of compilation of chapters i wrote for the braddison book ⚠️ 🦋

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"Hey," Addison said softly, jumping onto the bed next to Bryce, "Do you wanna hang tomorrow at the ice rink or something?"

Bryce pulled her in for a hug, "I would, but the boys and I have meetings all day tomorrow."

"Okay, well then what about the next day?" she asked.

"I have to meet with the merch people in the city. Can you do this weekend? I'm pretty much free then," he said, running his hands through her hair.

"I've got meetings all day Saturday and then I have a family friend coming from Louisiana on Sunday..." she paused. "God we're so busy aren't we."

Bryce stared at the ceiling for a moment. He really wanted them to work out. She was one of the first girls to truly get him, but he didn't want to get so close that he broke her heart. Or she broke his. "Should we really be doing this right now?" he whispered.

Addison frowned, sitting up. "What do you mean?"

Bryce sighed. "I mean if we don't get to spend time with each other, we're probably going to drift away, and I don't want that."

"So you're saying you want to break up," she whispered, her words barely making it out of her mouth.

He nodded very slowly. "Go back to being friends? How we were before? Still talking but no kissing and all that?"

Addison got up off of the bed. "Okay, well if that's what you want. It's for the best anyway, I'm busy for the next month or so."

She began to pick up her stuff off of his floor, shoving it into her bag. Bryce frowned. "What are you doing? It's only 1 o'clock. You said your meeting was at 4..."

"Yeah, well I have to get ready and talk to mom first, so I'm gonna leave now," she said, reaching the door. "Bye homie, I'll call you later, 'kay?"

Bryce sat up. "Addison wait-" but she was already out the door.

Josh was on the couch as Addison ran past him, walking as if she were trying to get away as soon as possible. He saw the tears in her eyes, and he connected it immediately to the thud downstairs, followed by an angry, loud "Fuck!"

He didn't try to stop her. She was already very clearly struggling grasping whatever had just happened in the room below, considering the tears he'd seen in her eyes. Instead he clambered down the stairs and to the door of the room in which she'd fled from.

He tried the doorknob and sighed when it was locked. He knocked, unsure of what state Bryce would be in, understanding that he'd probably be worse than what she'd been in when he saw her last. There was another loud bang, followed by a string of curse words and Josh realized Bryce was punching the wall. Fuck no, not again. "Open the door man, please," he said, knocking on it again. Bryce went silent and Josh stood with his head resting on the door for a moment, before he heard a sigh and movement from inside the room.

He stepped away as the door swung open, revealing an incredibly disheveled Bryce. His knuckles were red with blood and swollen, something Josh hadn't seen since Bryce had caught Elle cheating on him back in March of last year.

"What happened bro?" he said, walking in and shutting the door behind him.

Bryce flopped backwards onto his bed, "I fucking pushed her away, that's what I did. After saying that this is the one girl that I'd never even dream of pushing away, I did it. And I wish I didn't. She could've been laying," he said through gritted teeth, "right here. But no. My dumb ass had to ruin it and ask if we could just be friends."

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