a & b - my princess

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"We should go camping!" Avani yelled, jumping up and down in the doorway.

"Really Voni? In December?" I said, frowning, "No way!"

"Hey! It'll be fun! And it's going to help us relax and shit... please?"

We sighed, knowing Avani wasn't one to give up easily, "Fine, but I better not freeze," I said.

And that is how eight of us ended up on the beaches near Malibu, jumping in the waves.


Anthony, Avani, Amelie, Blake, Jaden, Mads, Bryce and I sat around the campfire. I was tired, but grateful to be able to get away from the intense energy of LA. I felt bad - I had been unusually distant. He had left me raw and vulnerable again after his escapade of a party. I had pleaded him to not throw it - it was too dangerous. Yet he did it anyway, and even though he was forced into it and he was intoxicated, the strippers still stung. It was a punch in the gut.

Mads broke the comfortable silence that had fallen among us as we stared into the bonfire. "We should each tell everyone one thing we've never told anyone before. I'll start, ah..."

I zoned out. I was trying to think of what I was going to say. I began to shake, knowing there was so much I could talk about, but the things I hadn't told them about me were way to personal to ever tell anyone.

It got to me and I spluttered, tripping over my words, "I... uh... I... I..."

I felt Bryce's cold fingers wrap around mine, "It's ok. You don't need to...", he whispered.

"I can't Bryce," I muttered, standing up and slowly walking away from the group, towards the wooden steps leading down to the beach.

Bryce had followed me, and I shivered, the cold air being replaced by his radiant heat. He placed a hand on the small of my back, lightly guiding me down the steps and onto the sand. We sat down and he looked at me, the moonlight reflecting off his eyes. "You can talk to me, you know."

I nodded, sighing, dropping my head to look at the sand. "It's a year today...my last relationship," I stuttered, his hand rubbing my back, willing me on. "It left me drained. Struggling. Almost dead. He took me out to dinner one night and tried to force himself on me while we were there," I said, tears stinging my eyes. Bryce was still watching me as I continued, "I pushed him away, so he cut the dinner short... he grew angry and was so defensive about it. He claimed that I was 'a tease' and 'the most manipulative woman he'd ever met.' His ego was bruised because I refused to have sex with him that night. I was miserable and felt that I needed to keep my mouth shut about the entire situation because I figured no one would believe me... he had more power. I would be looked at as dramatic and a diva, someone just looking for attention. Once he realized that I didn't want to be having sex with him when he was so aggressive, he'd do it every night. He abused me, physically... when I said no... sexually...emotionally... mentally. He told me I was useless. He told me no one would love me..."

Bryce lifted my chin, so I was looking at him. "It's ok. It's ok. It's ok," he whispered as he pulled me into a hug, leaning back onto the soft sand as the ocean breeze brushed over us. My head rested on his chest. "How close were you... to suicide?"

"Sitting on my bed after a therapy session, with my anxiety pills in my hand, about to take them all at once. Then Lucas found me."

"Can you promise me something?" he said. I nodded, "If you ever feel like you're spiraling, call me. Please."

I nodded again, "Ok."

The moment was broken by Mads, who stood at the foot of the stairs. "Sorry to destroy your moment, but most people have called it a night. I came to say goodnight and give you a blanket if you're cold. And Addi, I'm sorry about the campfire. Know you can talk to me whenever you want."

"It's all good Mads, thank you for caring. I think I might stay down here for a bit longer," I smiled.

"I will too then, if that's ok," Bryce said, reaching for the blanket as Mads held it out to us.

"Night guys, see you in the morning," she said as she climbed back up towards the campsite.

"You know what we should do? You've got your bathers on, still haven't you?" I nodded, he smirked, "Night swim!"

I smiled, "Fine," I said as Bryce sat up, bringing me up with him. After we stripped down to our bathers, Bryce laced our fingers together leading me to the water. I sat down, shivering as the cold water washed over me. My legs went to wrap around his waist and my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He kissed my forehead and I sighed.

Bryce looked at me concerned, "Are you ok?"

I shook my head, "Not really," I whispered as he pulled me into him, one of his hands running over my back, the other in my hair. I turned my head, my chin resting on his chest. "You hurt me you know..."

Bryce squeezed his eyes shut. "I know. I'm so sorry."

"Bryce... you said that last time..."

"Give me one chance... please."

"I have Bryce. More than one."

"Just one more," he breathed.

"One more Bryce. One more. And if you break my heart again, I'm cutting you off completely - no texting, no facetime, no friendship."

I stared into his caramel eyes. They were being illuminated by the moonlight, and I felt as if I wanted to hold him close to me for the rest of our lives. He nodded, "I promise. I will treat you like you deserve. I'll treat you like the princess you are."

"Okay..." I whispered, dropping my head to rest my chin on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

We swayed in the gentle moonlight waves; arms wrapped around each other as our hearts finally beat in the same rhythm again. He pressed a soft kiss to my shoulder. "I love you, my princess."


As we lay on the sand, wrapped in the same blanket after our night swim, I smiled at the thought of a chance at a happy future. My heart now had a conflict - our attraction to each other and my happiness when he made me feel like the only girl in the entire damn world were struggling against my horrible fear of losing him. But I allowed myself to take the plunge.

For months after, we told people we were 'just friends' in order to try to protect what we had. We never used our phones when we hung out, it was just purely us. But anyone who knew us in real life definitely wouldn't have said we were 'just friends'. Watching how we interacted, they, and us, couldn't have denied our attraction to each other.

He kept his promise, and five years later, he married me in the exact place he vowed to treat me like his princess.

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