a & d - lose you to love you

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because griffin broke dixie's trust.

because bryce has annoyed the fuck outta me (i haven't entirely given up on braddison though).

because my inner gay wanted to make an appearance.

enjoy the workings of my bi mind as i present to you, DIXISON.


Addison's heart dropped into her stomach as her eyes scanned down Dixie's text.

dear addi.

i love you.

i love you so goddamn much it hurts.

and not platonically. and i know that might sound creepy, and i know that you're probably going to hate me for it, but i love you. i love all of you.

i haven't been truthful. i think you knew. i think you could see. i think you could see the emptiness behind my eyes. the looks you gave me, your eyebrows raised, and your head tilted gave me at least some comfort. i knew at least someone cared. someone, out of 7 billion other people in this world truly cared about every bit of me.

please don't miss me too much. i'm being a burden for the very last time.

love pix

Addison's fingers shook as she tapped on the call button. She had loved her back this entire time. "Come on Pix, answer me please," she choked, making her way to grab her keys from the bench. The call rang through. Again, and again and again and again. She called Charli instead, and she picked up within seconds.

"Heyyyyyy," Charli said, "What's up?"

"Check on Dix. Please. For me."

"What do you mean-"

"Just check! Please," she sobbed.

Charli was taken aback, but quickly knocked on her sister's door. She listened with no answer. "She's probably asleep, Addison."

"No, trust me Char."

"Her room is locked, what else do you want me to do?"

Addison was close now, close enough to see the D'Amelio house. "Open the front door for me."

"It's 2 in the morning Adds."

Addison parked and jumped out of her car, running to the door.

"Open. The. Goddamn. Fucking. Door."

"Sweet child of God, I'm coming," Charli said, hanging up.

The door unlocked seconds later and Addison pushed her way past Charli and up the stairs to Dixie's room. Pounding on the door, she prayed that she hadn't gone through with whatever she had planned. When she got no answer, she began to hit and kick, attempting to break the door in. Charli, realizing that there had to be something seriously wrong with Dixie if Addison was trying to bash a door in at 2 in the morning, ran to get a chair from her room, returning it. Ramming it into the door, it busted open and Charli went to step inside.

"Don't. Please. Go wake your parents."

Charli swallowed the lump in her throat, nodding, before running to the other side of the house.

Addison walked in. Dixie's bed was empty. The bathroom door was half propped open, and the light was on. Addison sucked in a breath, pushing it open.

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