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The Kingdom of Feelings. The grandest Kingdom in the nation, with lavish landscapes, vintage villages and terrific towns. The castle by far though was the most gorgeous thing there. It stood tall and grand, having symbols on each of its spires, a sun and moon. The moon had been built when the first son to Queen Nim was born. His name was Nightmare and would become the holder of negative feelings.

Nightmare grew quickly and was smart and responsible for a young age. His lilac eyes were calming despite what people should actually feel around them. Nightmare upon becoming eight was intrigued in learning on how to look after a kingdom and making important decisions. He listened to people's guidance and found ways to make the people in the kingdom happy. Then becoming ten years old, his mother fell pregnant.

A sun was then built when the second son was born. Nightmare entered the room upon where his brother was sleeping peacefully. Nightmare was confused when he looked down at the smaller baby, seeing as though something looked lodged in his forehead. A gemstone was there, it was white and seemed to glow a little golden.

Nightmare then began to rock the cradle for some reason. It was just an instinct then, as he saw the golden eyes of his brother. When he began rocking, Dream began giggling and laughing softly as the little baby tried to roll other and sit up to look at his brother. As Dream laughed happily the gemstone began to glow more and more with gold. Nightmare soon then picked up the small baby who was making grabby hands towards him.

Their Mum soon came into the room, smiling at the sight of Nightmare looking after his brother. Soon though Dream began crying because he was hungry.

Nightmare looked at his Mum, worried. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"He's just hungry." His mother said holding a small bottle of milk. "Do you want to feed him?"

Nightmare's eyes lit up as he sat on one of the many chairs. "Yep." He exclaimed. His mother then passed the small boy the bottle. "Here you go." Dream latched onto the bottle and the crying stopped.

The Queen smiled. "Make sure to hold his head." She then put a hand under Dreams head so he wouldn't choke on the liquid.

Dream soon then finished the milk and fell back asleep immediately afterwards. Nightmare hugged Dream then before the sun soon began to set. Nightmare fell asleep as his Mother told him stories about her own adventures of being Queen when she was younger. The Queen then picked up Dream and put him in the cradle, tucking him tightly in the blanket. Before then picking up Nightmare and putting Nightmare in his own room and tucking him in bed.

When Dream became four, him and Nightmare were out in the garden running around. Their Mum was drinking some tea and keeping a close eye on them. Dream soon tripped though on a stone and fell onto his head. He got up quickly seeming absolutely fine and wanted to continue the game with Nightmare. However, his Mother quickly ran other and picked Dream up examining his head for any injuries. Suddenly then stopping the game between the two brothers and they returned inside.

Things began getting stricter and stricter for Dream as he grew up. Which, he of course found upsetting since Nightmare could still do whatever he wanted. Dream came to learn that through his hands he could make people's hopes and dreams come true, they were white and silhouette like with a ghostly glow which was golden.

The animals that children wished for would hope around the hallways and down the stairs and Dream would follow after them with child-like wonder. The items people wanted would stay there and be used to give Dream an advantage in hide and seek. However, these magical gifts that Dream had, worried not only Nightmare but also his Mother.

One time Dream was called to the Queen's office. He opened the door, struggling a little as he was still so small.

"You called for me Mommy?" Dream skipped in smiling happily.

The Queen only sighed upset. "I did dear."

"What's the matter?" Dream tilted his head as he then took hold of his Mums arm.

The Queen picked Dream up and sat him in her lap. "You can no longer leave this castle."

Dream was puzzled. "Why not?" He wondered.

"You'll find out when you're older." She smiled and said no more.

Dream never found out why.

Until it was too late. 


This is my first time writing a story I hope this is good. I plan on drawing the character designs soon, which will be on my Instagram at _arty_boi and I will put them here as well. 

Please go read my friends story @Lamamoo because her writing is to good not to get more credit. The story is Shadows Lies. 

Thank you for reading the prologue! See you guys all soon!

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