Chapter 14

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Everyone watched as Killer then went to the back off the carriage and pulled back out a massive trunk. Dream and Cross exited the carriage with Dream supporting Cross as he held him close so Cross wouldn't fall other as Cross did still not feel too well, and Dream didn't want Cross to fall in the wet mud, which would definitely give him a cold.

Nightmare also then walked other as well. The rain was still pouring down as the three gathered around what Killer had brought out.

The trunk had many intricate details. However, it was odd. As it hadn't been made in the Kingdom of Feelings or else the symbols of the apples would have been on there. Instead there seemed to be some sort of pattern, showing something similar to the food chain.

Killer opened it up. Showing clothes that were there. "We're all going to have to change. This is a poor town." Killer explained seeing the others confused looks. "Since you two are prince's, you're going to get pick pocketed or kidnapped. And Cross, since me and you are their guards, we will be targeted in murder." He continued.

"Where are we gonna get changed?" Dream wondered, tilting his head a little.

"Ah." Killer said a little.

Nightmare then suggested. "How about in the carriage?"

"Seems like a good idea." Cross agreed, as Killer then passed him some new clothes.

Killer then whispered to Cross. "Keep your armour on underneath. If it doesn't look right let me know, I have a few spare chest plates, if you need one."

Cross nodded. "Of course thank you very much." Cross then thanked, receiving a thumbs up from Killer.

"Your highnesses, would you like to change first?" Killer asked.

"Okay." Nightmare and Dream said in unison, looking at one another before laughing a little.

Killer then passed them there clothes.

Dreams eyes lit up happily as he gave indeed a soft smile at his 'new' clothes. Before he gently then put Cross on the ground.

"I'll be back soon." He told Cross as he and Nightmare entered the carriage to get inside.

Cross smiled softly as he waved goodbye to Dream. "Okay, come back soon." He said as Nightmare shut the door behind him, and drew the blinds.

Killer felt himself smirk as he saw the day dreamed look in Cross eyes. "Cross do you mind if I ask you a question?" Cross looked up at him, shaking his head 'no'. "Do you like Dream in a more romantic way?" Killer went straight to the point.

Cross felt flushed then as the blood pretty much went to his face, creating a bright blush of purple on his cheeks. "No." He denied, hesitantly. "We're just best friends..." He added afterwards.

Killer only hummed. "Told myself the exact same thing." Killer smiled. "I know the look in your eye." He mumbled a little.

An awkward silence soon filling. Cross now began questioning himself. He liked Dream. Of course he did. In fact he loved Dream. But where they more than friends. Is it wrong for a guard to love the person who they are supposed to protect? He didn't know.

'Drop it' Cross thought to himself. 'Maybe it's the poison getting to me.' He suggested dismissing the idea quickly still.

Nightmare and Dream soon got out again and Cross and Killer went in to change as well. Soon they were all indeed ready to go. Killer hid the carriage in the woods and unhooked his horse.

"Right everyone stay close." He told the others.

Nightmare instantly locked arms with Killer. "Of course." He smiled at Killer and Killer returned the same smile.

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