Chapter 11

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Warning: Character deaths, mentions of guns and other all X Gaster being mean to Cross and his brothers. 


The sun had now hit the middle of the sky. The bright blue sky and the white clouds that rolled other the sky were slightly dull, but of course couldn't ruin the day. It had been ten hours since the group had left the castle and they had again taken time to take a small break.

Especially since it was the middle of the day and of course it was the normal time they would have their food around this time. Killer's bag was so heavy because of the food they needed to pack for a weeklong trip. Nightmare was of course the cook as he had made a small fire to cook some food.

But Cross and Dream were busy doing something else. They had parked the carriage in the meadow. The flowers of course were gently swaying in the breeze.

Cross was leaned up against the tree and Dream was again out gathering flowers up in his arms again. Cross reached in his pocket to look at the rock. The same ink black stains were on the rocks. However they appeared to off gotten bigger.

"What's that?" Cross was soon startled by Dream who was now suddenly stood in front of him.

"I don't know." Cross mumbled unsure. "I think I coughed it up, when I began coughing up blood." Cross then suggested.

Dream then sat down beside Cross, laying the flowers next to him as he also looked at the rock. "That looks weird." He commented. A sudden paint hit his head as he reached a hand to where the gemstone in his head was.

"Are you alright?" Cross asked concerned dropping the rock as he went to make sure Dream was okay.

Dream looked at Cross then. "It hurts a little." He replied honestly. "Just a bit uncomfortable really."

A silence soon began to fill the air. As the wind whistle on by them, blowing the leaves on the tree, causing some to fall off and be swept away. Cross had shut his eyes for a moment, before hearing shuffling and seeing Dream in front of him. A few inches away.

Dream was just staring at him intently. Cross was a little startled and just stared back as well. The silence remained. Dream soon put a hand on his cheek and Cross looked where he had put his hand. On the left side of his cheek, where his scar was.

"Where did you get that scar?" Dream then looked at Cross, his eyes were filled of curiosity.

"Oh I got it a while ago." Cross answered giving an awkward smile. "When I was like eight." Dream had now crossed his legs again, now looking like he wanted Cross to continue on the story of how he got his scar.

"What happened?" Dream wondered, now rocking slightly.

Cross shrugged his shoulders. "Well I guess we've got time." He glanced down at where Nightmare and Killer were having a conversation. "I probably need to give you context of what my family was like when I was younger." Cross stated.

Dream nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay I was the oldest child out of me and my four siblings. So there was my first brother Papyrus, who grew to be a lot taller than me, my then younger twin brothers Chara and Frisk along with my Dad. My Mum died when we were young and after the birth of my twin brothers. My dad after her death, resented us. Like we were a burden on his shoulders, as he now had to take care of the children who killed the love of his life. He hated Chara and Frisk the most. Since they were the actual cause. But I tried my hardest to be a great older brother."

Cross sighed a little recalling the memories of his small family.

"You know set a good example, make sure they got to school in the morning and abided by the rules. Papyrus was really never a problem. He was a good kid and got mixed up with some bad ones, who got him in a bit of trouble. His kindness was pretty much used against him. Frisk was a good student and loved reading. I saved up most of my money to get him more books since he could read big stacks of books in at least a week."

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