Chapter 4

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Cross was now in his own room. Having taken off his heavy armour for the night and putting it on a mannequin in the corner of his room. It was becoming sunset. But Cross had drawn the curtains and lit a candle. He had his sword in his hands as he began sharpening it as much as he could, as somehow the blade had gotten blunter. It didn't really pass his mind though.

Cross soon perked up as he heard the door open up. He looked other mid stroke off sharpening the blade. Dream was standing there leaning against the doorway, his crown of course was off as he looked like he was getting ready for bed himself. His hair looked a lot more curly and Dream let out a yawn.

"Are you alright?" Cross asked then, putting his sword down into it's hold.

Dream rubbed his eye. "Yes I'm fine." Dream replied, having a semi frightened look.

Cross pated the sheets next to him. Dream got the memo and shut the door behind him walking so he was now sat down on the sheets next to Cross.

"You don't look fine." Cross stated. "Tell me what's wrong." Cross took hold of Dream's hands and made the other make eye contact with him.

"I'm just feeling a bit lonely and like I'm being watched. I don't want to be alone." Dream answered then. Cross understood then.

"Well do you want to sleep here?" Cross then offered. "I can sleep on the floor if you want." Cross suggested.

Dream shook his head no. "This is your room, you take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor." Dream said, surprisingly sternly.

"Okay if you insist." Cross said getting up and walking other to the wardrobe and opening it. He could hear Dream gasp behind him.

Dream's eyes widened at the sight of Cross' wardrobe. There were so many weapons! Which, of course was surprising to see. Never before had Dream seen those weapons other than the classic sword.

Cross picked up two pillows and a soft fluffy duvet. Luckily the carpet was soft and could be quite nice to sleep on. Cross noticed that Dream had gotten up to and have a look at the weapons.

"Don't touch them." Cross said putting the two pillows on the ground and shaking the blanket.

"I know." Dream kept staring at them. "Where did you get these?" Dream wondered looking at the intercut designs.

Cross smirked. "Well if you wanted me to tell you where I got all of those it would take me four hours." Cross said, but apparently that didn't unfazed Dream as Dream quickly sat on the floor and crossed his legs. He looked at Cross expecting him to start telling the tales of where he had gotten his weapons. "You're not serious right?" Cross laughed a littler nervously.

"Of course I'm serious!" Dream exclaimed then. "Please tell me the tales of how you got those weapons. I really wanna know." Dream continued to try and persuade Cross to tell him, even giving him so puppy dog eyes. 

Cross noticed that it was definitely getting darker. "How about this? I tell you how I got a quarter of my weapons for one hour and I stretch it out for four nights." Cross suggested then.

Dream nodded enthusiastically. "Okay." He agreed then resting his elbows on his knees and resting his face on the palm of his hands.

And Cross began to tell. He walked back other to the wardrobe and began pointing at the weapon before telling Dream about how he had obtained them. Some of them were more epic than others. As, some of them were obtained when Cross had helped many other travellers and because of his services he would get the reward. Cross had slain a few creatures himself and said that was why some of the swords had engraves of the creatures. Some of the weapons he had gotten were just what he paid for when he first started his heroic career. And before he knew it Cross had told Dream about every single weapon. Four hours had flown by. Before the two had known.

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