Chapter 28 (1982)

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The next day when I get to the art room, Lucas is pacing the hall. He looks relieved when he sees me. "How are you feeling," he asks. Once locked inside the art room I turn to him and grin. "I'm fine. I just had a really bad headache," I lie. I had decided not to tell Lucas about what Seth did to me. It would push him over the edge. I hated to withhold information, but I hated the thought of Lucas hurt even more. "I'm glad you're better," he says kissing my forehead. I tilt my head up and kiss his lips. "More than better now," I say kissing him again.

Lucas tells me one of the yellow roses was from Mark. "I think he wants to ask you to the dance." I hate having these conversations with Lucas. I know he's jealous. "I don't want to go with anyone but you." He looks at me and I can tell there is something more bothering him. "What," I ask pulling him to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and look into his beautiful eyes. "It's just that Mark is willing to fight for you. He says all the time he doesn't give a shit about Seth. I know he doesn't know how crazy Seth is, but still he is willing to fight him for you." I look at him confused. "I should be willing to fight for you Destiny. I love you. I should fight for you."

I can't help but melt at his words. I kiss him gently on the lips. "I know you would fight for me Lucas. Don't think for one second that I don't know that. I appreciate that you are willing to do this my way," I tell him. "I would die for you Destiny. You need to know that. I would fight Seth every day if I had to just to be with you." He places my hand on his heart. I love the feel of his heart beating. "I know that. I would do the same for you. I'm yours Lucas Williams. I belong to you. Mind, body and soul. I would die without you," I tell him. Deep down I know it's true. My soul is connected to his. Without him I am nothing. We spend the rest of what's left of the period seriously making out.

Mark is waiting for me by my locker a couple days before the dance. I had hoped he would decide not to ask me to the dance. My first instinct is to run the other way. I know he saw me though. A smile crept across his face the moment he noticed I spotted him. I swallow hard and put on a smile. "Hey Destiny," he says when I reach him. "Hi," I say glancing around. I know if Seth is watching I will pay later. "Did you like the yellow rose I sent you," he asks. His normal confidence seems to be slightly lacking. "I'm sorry Mark, but I gave my flowers away. Thank you though. It was a very pretty rose." I watch him unsure what else to say. He's blocking my locker, so I just wait.

"I was wondering if. Your friend Tara said you didn't have a date to the dance. I was wondering if you would like to go with me," he finally finishes. I try to think of how to let him down easy. "I've decided not to go to the dance Mark. Thanks for the offer." His grin fades a little. I find myself feeling bad. I've never had to turn a boy down before. It feels awful. "It's not you," I blurt out. "It's just. Well. It's Seth. I don't want any trouble from him. He seems to think I'm going to go back to him. I'm not, but I don't want to push him." Marks grin starts to return. "What better way to show him you're moving on. Going to the dance with me will prove to him the two of you are over," he says.

It's then that I see him. He's glaring from across the hall. He's watching the exchange between Mark and me. My face pales. Mark must notice because he follows my gaze. His smile turns twisted in anger. He starts to walk towards the direction of Seth. I grab him by the arm. He stops and turns to me. "He can't stalk you like this Destiny." I look to Seth and he's smirking. "Mark please just leave me alone. I don't want to go to the dance with you. Not now or ever. Just stop bothering me please," I tell him. Desperation apparent in my voice. I can't handle a fight. I can't handle what Seth will do to me over this.

"That asshole is going to get what he deserves Destiny. He's not going to stop me from pursuing you. I've liked you for a long time. I think you like me. He blew his shot with you. Now it's my turn," Mark says looking to where my hand is still on his arm. He pulls his arm away from my hand and grabs it in his. He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. "This isn't over," he whispers right before Seth knocks him to the ground. I watch in horror as the two of them wrestle on the floor. It's over fast since the teacher's lounge is nearby. I watch as both boys are hauled away. A wink from Mark. A nasty glare from Seth with the promise of a future head smacking I'm sure.

The excitement dies down. The whispers disappear. I open my locker and head to my first class. I try hard to concentrate. I'll never pass tenth grade at this rate. My grades were dropping. After first period I find Lucas waiting for me in the back room. The props were finished so this was our last day here. It was mostly just to do some clean up stuff. Some inventory on paint. Lucas and I had done most of that last time we were here. We spend our last day in this room lying on the mat where we first realized how we felt about each other.

Lucas didn't kiss me when I came in. He's mad at me. This is the last thing I needed today. I sigh. Lucas takes my hand and leads me over to the mat. I lie down and look up at the ceiling. I don't blame him if he wants to stop seeing me. I don't even want to see myself anymore. How did this happen. If I could go back in time, I would stay hidden in that bathroom until Gabby managed to snag Seth. I would give it all up to have Lucas. I love him like I never loved Seth. I realize now Seth was a crush. A silly girl crush.

I feel Lucas lay on the mat next to me. I turn to look at him. I can't stop the tears. Lucas watches as the tears roll down my cheek. He reaches out to wipe them away. "Don't cry," he whispers. I search his eyes for the truth. He's going to break up with me I just know it. He pulls me to him. I snuggle into his chest. "I'm sorry," I cry. He pulls way and looks at me. "Sorry for what," he asks confused. "For this," I tell him pointing from myself to him. His confusion turns to panic. "I'm not Destiny. You and I together is right. We both know it. It's just complicated right now." My eyes search his. "I love you," he tells me. I sigh with relief. "I thought you were breaking up with me."

He pulls me on top of him. "Why would I do that. I love you," he tells me. I crush my lips to his. When we part, he looks at me waiting. "After what happened with Mark and Seth this morning. I just figured it was too much. That I'm not worth it." He looks at me and says "You will always be worth it. Always. Seth and Mark can beat the crap out of each other all they want. I know your mine. I'll wait for you Destiny. I'll do this your way until you say otherwise. I would rather spend my time with you like this than fighting Seth all day. I hug myself to him. We lay like that the rest of the period.

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