Jafarmine (Jafar x Jasmine)

827 21 13

It's Sexual Assault Awareness Month, please do not tell the Fake animated Story Channels, it's gonna be such an insensitive Soap Opera badly animated Disaster.

What better way to raid awareness to Sexual Assault then to talk about a ship that promotes it.

This is all kinds of awful. Jasmine is FIFTEEN and Jafar is a Middle aged Creep. The fact that anyone could even CONCEIVE of them being a cute Couple is horrid.

This guy is awful, he literally wanted to have Jasmine, who is like I said FIFTEEN as a Sex Slave. Was he ever alone in a Room with her when she was a kid? I do not want to know what happened if he was. This is all kinds of disgusting, Sexual Assault, or attempted Sexual Assault should not be promoted as a cute little Ship. It reminds me of Marielic actually, the Person that wrote the Fan fiction that spawned the worst ship ever is the only one to ship it (hopefully) and in it Eric literally Rapes Melody. I don't why I didn't mention it in the Marielic Chapter, but yeah, that happened. This is the exact same thing, Sexual Assault is played up as something Romantic, and it's disgusting, it really is.

It doesn't even feel right GIVING this a rating, and it's not even the second or third worst Disney Ship!

-100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000[insert a billion more zeros] 0000000000000000000000000000000/10

Also, because I discovered that Marielic now involves Rape, I'm just gonna deduct a few Billion points, meaning that I could be sitting here til tomorrow morning and still be typing zeros, that's how bad Marielic is.

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