Simladdin (Simba x Aladdin)

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Okaaaayyyy, remember what I said about Rossica, because I feel like I should Word it better this time.

Let's talk about Disney's Beastiality "Obsession" for a minute, with Beauty and the Beast it's literally a walking, talking Beast that has a Human Brain, and walks like a Human, also Belle knows that Beast was a Human at one point before falling in love with him. With Tiana, the Naveen talks and acts Human-like and Tiana knows he was a Human at one point, the only reason why she's kissing him is to bring him back to being a Human, and it's only when they're both Frogs that they start falling in Love. With Jessica and Roger, they're both very clearly weird Cartoon Characters that fall in love. Roger isn't the size of a normal Rabbit, he's more like the size of a small Person. Also he has the Brain of a Human, he walks like a Human and he has a Job, I'll let it slide with them.

However, with Aladdin and Simba it gets kinda complicated. Unlike Jessica, someone that looks and acts Aladdin could actually exist in real life, I'm pretty sure there's at least five YouTubers that look and act like him. Simba moves like a Lion, talks like a Human but I'm pretty sure he has the Mindset of some overdramatic Lion, I'm pretty sure everyone in this freaking Pride is overdramatic. Guys, you're Lions, you can be glad that Scar didn't kill Simba and Nala. Also, he's the size of a Lion and lives among other Lions, I'm pretty sure this counts as Beastiality.

Okay, but what if Simba was a Human, well then, those two are literally made for each other. They're both the  equivalents to these weird YouTubers I see all over the Homepage.

"Spent the Night in an Elefant Graveyard *GONE WRONG* (almost died)"

"I spent 24 hours as a Prince *GONE WRONG* (almost died)"

I feel like that sums up these Characters pretty well.

If Simba remains a Lion when they're together: -10/10

If he doesn't: 10/10, that would be the most annoying Couple you'd ever come across though.

"We finally got Married *GONE WRONG*"

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