Untitled Part 2/3

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"She's what?"

"Shhh, I can't hear what they're saying!"

"What happened?"

Ikhan, Sui, Yuna, and Shinwoo were eavesdropping at the door, trying to know why their Director summoned their beloved friend and why Cass is with them. Curiosity won over them that's why they followed him.

Thanks to Tao's favourite past time of eavesdropping in every conversation, the enhanced humans found out what had conspired inside the office. Daniel was just staring at them, gauging their reaction when they heard about the news.

"For real?" Tao asked. "Wait, how did she know she was pregnant?"

The transmitter emitted a sound again. 

"H-how did that happen? Milady, how did you found out?" Frankenstein stammered.

She put a brown envelope at the table. "I went to the hospital."

Every word that comes out from Cass was like a horror story in Frankenstein's ears. "H-hospital? Y-you went to the hospital? What if they found out about your secret?"

"They didn't."

"They really did not," Frankenstein said. "But you're pregnant! How am I supposed to handle this? Are you feeling unwell? Sleepy at the time? Dizzy? Nausea?"

Cass pondered for a moment. "Well, I've been sleepier more."

Frankenstein felt like he was struck by the lightning. Woman's body is delicate during gestation. "How many weeks?"

"I dunno." Cass shrugged. "Dad, how did mom carried me in her tummy before?"

"..." Rai was unable to answer because he doesn't know. Cass just popped out on his doorway, but he knows that she's his daughter.

"...sorry." I don't know. Rai answered.

"We're going to conduct another test about this milady. I want to know if the fetus is okay. I don't care if--"

"Stop making a fuss about another test, Frankie," Cass said. "Your eyes are literally shining."

"Ooh, harsh." Tao side-commented. "Her tongue is getting sharper than before."

M-21 ignored his comment and resumed listening.

Frankenstein went serious. "Are you sure about this result? The hospital might be...top-notch, but we are of different species."

"You are not included in the 'different' portion, Frankie. You're a human. Eternally stupid human." Cass said.

Frankenstein was stabbed by the comment. "Milady, I'm just pin-pointing that this test might be rigged. But we can still prepare for baby's clothes. Would it be a young master or young miss? Also the names--"

Cass tapped on her phone to call the hospital. "Just shut up for once, Frankie. Well, we can ask the hospital about this to conduct another test, can't we?"

She hadn't managed to find the hospital's number when it rang. Frankenstein snatched away the phone.

[Miss Raizel?]

"This is Frankenstein, milady's butler speaking. May I know who is this?"

[Ah, apologies. My name is Samuel Park, I'm the director of the hospital that Miss Raizel had done her blood work. Can I speak to her?]

"She's busy as for the moment. You can leave a message, I'll make sure it will reach her and call you immediately."

[Is that so? Please tell her it's about her blood examination.]

"Don't worry, sir Park, we'll head there immediately." Frankenstein ended the call.

Rai never uttered any words, but he stood up immediately. Cass got herself out of the sofa. "I wonder what is that?"

When Rai opened the door, the four kids almost fell to one another because they leaned too much just to hear what they're saying.

"Cass, is it true that you're pregnant?" Yuna asked.

"Kids," Frankenstein intervened. "We cannot confirm or deny that."

"So, it's true that she might be pregnant?" Shinwoo said.

Cass pinched her glabella. "We'll explain later. We need to go somewhere."

"But it will be--"

"Kid," Tao was behind them together with the other enhanced humans and Daniel. "Leave this to adults. I'm sure they know how to handle this matter, right? Just go back to your class, and don't worry too much, okay?"

Dejected, they didn't insist more and left the vicinity.

Cass sighed. "It's too troublesome. Can you and Daniel just go there? I just want to laze around more."

"No, milady." Frankenstein pushed her lightly towards the parking lot with Rai at the front of them. "We must know what that stupid director wants with you, for calling like that."

"Just deal with that. I don't want to see new faces in the business." Cass waved her hand just to dismiss things.

"Just be cooperative for once, yeah? Then it will be done before you know it." Daniel coaxed her. "We'll do the talking for you so bear a little bit."

Charles took the driver's seat and Daniel on his side. Nico and Shiro sat at the very back while Rai and Cass at the middle.

Frankenstein will use his own car for going to the hospital, following their car. Frankenstein took a gist of the hospital: it was the very same hospital that the kids were confined from the first incident.

As soon as they went up to the entrance, a healthy guy in his forties was waiting for them with a woman in a business-style suit.

"Miss Raizel! I'm so glad that you came! Let's go to my office to have a small talk." He urged them all as the walked inside the building and took a different route compared when she asked for a blood test. It was located at the second from the top floor of the building, and spacious to be a rest house, considering the size of the whole floor being an office only.

As soon as they were served properly, the Director was all-smile at them but tense. "Um, can I know who was the person who received my call?"

Frankenstein smiled as he stood. "That would be me, Mr Park. To what do we owe you this invitation?"

"It's about--you know," Mr Park was getting tongue-tied from nervousness. "I want to apologize on behalf of the pathologist and the technician who conducted the test.

"It seems like your test result was swapped to another person who is indeed pregnant."

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