Chapter 3

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In the evening,

Manik's POV-

After reaching downstairs I noticed the whole mansion is decorated with different flowers on the walls with suitable curtains and wire of different shaped lights are attached with those curtains. The floor is decorated with beautiful velvet carpets . The ceiling is full with different lights falling onto the ground. The charts of  wedding related thoughts , hastags, cheesey lines ,etc are  also there, near the arrangements of Mehandi nd Sangeet . And entrance is highly decorated with bunches of flowers and lights , the fountain which is in the middle of entrance is making mansion look more royal and gorgeous .

Well after completing my long nap in the afternoon now I am feeling much better because I haven't seen those idiots after that fight but I forgot that I didn't meet my mom also  in afternoon, so now I have to find her . I started searching for her and there she is talking with some ladies along with Mami. So I went there.

"Hey mom , come here for a minute" I said as I reached there . So mom nodded and excused herself from those ladies.

"What happened Manik? ... U need something?" Mom asked me with care.

"No mom.... it's just that I wanted to see u we didn't met in the I was just little worried that u r comfortable or not ?" I said  calmly without looking at her trying to be normal in front of mom. Because I was feeling little guilty.

"Manik what's the matter ? ...Tell me ...what are u trying to hide from me ? ....Is something happened in the afternoon? .... Because after that u seemed  lost..." Mom asked with worried face , well I know that she knows me better than anyone and now I can't hide it from her.

So I narrated the whole incident to her and told her that I am feeling little guilty for hurting that small minion.

"U should say sry then , Manik ...And not only for hurting her but also for ur rude behaviour" My mom said taking her side.

"No Mom I won't say sry for my behavior because I am not wrong...and yes I am sry for those bruises only ....And I know every girl is same so my behavior was reasonable" I said straight looking into mom's eyes .

"Every person is not same Manik so their thoughts....So u can't judge anyone". mom said trying to make me understand but when she noticed unconvinced me ( as she knows no one can change my thoughts) she sighed and said "I know Manik how much u try to hide but you can't see anyone in pain nd that too because of u ....So at least say sry to her for hurting her".

"Okay"  I said because she is right I should say sry to her because I manhandled her .

"Hey Manik when did you guys came ? ...Hii Aatya( Bua) " Abir said as he reached near us .

"Hii we just came in the afternoon... By the way where were u ?... Dulha khud kaha gayab tha" Mom said last part teasingly .

After flashing his 32 he said "Well I was busy with my outfit and went out to buy gift for Mishti ". How pathetic he is I thought. and mom nodded at him with smile.

"Manikkk" he said and hugged me with full force to which I unwillingly gave in as I know he is a gud guy but still I don't like to make frnds.

"Hey Abir, Congrats bro " I said breaking the hug he just gave a broad smile and asked me to joined him , I agreed to him and after waving bye to Mom I went with him . Yes I agreed because I can't be with mom all the time as she will be busy with other women so I decided to go with Abir.

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