Chapter Eight

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At the Entrance of the venue,

"How are you guys? ....Did you missed me " a voice came from behind.

By hearing that voice Manik clenched his fist and his anger rose at peak and Neyonika stood there numb . Nandini was confused.

"You?" Manik asked with anger. Manik was confused to see that person standing there .

"Yes it's me..... Aren't you happy by seeing ur dad ?" Shrikant Malhotra asked and Manik rolled his eyes at him .

(Shrikant Malhotra -  Rich and successful businessman. The owner of Malhotra Industries. There are two branches of Malhotra Industries , one is in Mumbai and other One is in London. So he lives in London. )


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"No....And how dare you come here....Who have invited you ?" Manik roared in anger.

"I don't need invitation to come here ....As I am husband of my wife ....And I did informed u guys yesterday.... didn't I?" he asked looking at Neyonika, and Manik also looked at her ,for answer but only by looking at her Manik got his answer ,  that she was aware of his arrival.

Shrikant tried to come near them but Manik pushed him back and yelled at him "I don't care Who have invited you here.... But just away from me and my mom".

Nandini was a silent spectacular of the situation till now ,  but seeing Manik's raising anger she thought of controlling situation. She kept her hand on his shoulder,

"Manik please don't create a scene....And this is not right way to talk ur Dad ....calm down" she said trying to calm him down but it made him more angry. He turned to her and removed her hands from him and said,

"Don't.... Don't try to interfere in it ,  when u don't know anything...Just back off" Manik said angrly.

"Manik ...Why you want to create a scene?....And why can't you see ur mothers tears, now ?...Why are you hurting ur dad ?" Nandini also raised her voice at Manik , as she saw Neyonika was crying since both of them were a fighting.

"Shutt Up...Just shut upp... I was behaving nicely with you from few days ,that doesn't mean u can say anything ... keep ur nonsense talks and lectures to urself... Don't forget still I am a monster.... Don't try to interfere in our family matter...Ur just an outsider " he speaked venom and now she is crying , by jerking his hands she ran from there.

"U still don't have manners " Shrikant said smirking.

"U don't need to worry about my manners...At least I am far better as long as I am not like you" Manik speaked with hatred. And his statement made shrikant speechless he stood there numb.

Manik held Neyonika's hand and turned to move inside but on their way Neyonika stopped him and said "Manik u did wrong with Nandini " manik looked at her as she was crying he wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

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