Chapter 40

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In the morning,

Tender sun rays were falling onto Nandini's face like usual trying to wake her up with the announcement of sunrise. Mild air coming through balcony was soothing and she stirred in a sleep and finally woke up. Morning is usual but not Nandini. She is weirdly happy today , her smile grew wider while walking towards balcony when sun rays touched each part of her body where he kissed her yesterday. Unknowingly she too touched herself and her face became red tomato by the hue of his affect on her body.

After getting ready she descended from her room to living room . Her parents were there probably discussing about her . She came late last night that's why they haven't had their family time and also they were worried that is she okay or not. They saw her humming and dancing figure twirling around the house and they thought her love story is on track .

During breakfast she took milk in 'HAPPY Mug' so their doubts got cleared .Then they saw her finishing her breakfast and getting up from chair ,

"Nandu " They both called her at same time and she turned back to see them.


"U seem happy today" Ishita asked curiously.

"Because I am happy" she chirped.

"Ohh.......What did Manik said yesterday?" Raman was worried as well as curious.

"He said he Don't love me " she said more happily and she was blushing too.

"Whattt?" they both were baffled.

"He don't love me" she again said casually.

"And u r happy?" both of them asked.

"Yeah......I love him na .....So yeah" she again smiled and her parents were gawking at her unbelievably.

"Nandu it's okay beta ...... Don't take stress......U can cry , don't keep things inside u ....... Talk to us " Ishita said lovingly she thought that may be Nandini is in trauma of rejection.

"Ha princess.......I will break his all  bones .......U don't worry" Raman too came forward and hugged her .

All the while she had frawns on her face . She broke the hug and said "Why would u do that?.....And why should I cry mom? ...... Can't u see I am happy" .

"Even after knowing he don't love u? " they asked surprisingly.

"Yeah nd I am going to his place.....We r getting late for shoot .....Bye guys" she kissed their cheeks and bid bye to them with cheeky smile. They stood there perplexed.

"What was that?" Raman asked.

"Madness.......Ur daughter is certified Insane" Ishita sighed.


She entered inside his house with same humming and twirling mood of the morning . Whistling and walking till living room she saw Neyonika coming downstairs. Neyonika looked at her and surprisingly became happy.

"Good morning"

"Morning Neyo" Nandini said enthusiastically.

"U look more Happy today" Neyonika asked suspiciously.

"Yeah" after smiling at her she started climbing stairs.

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