Chapter Seven

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In the morning,

There is a hustle bustle in the Sharma Mansion is going on. Everyone is busy in their respective works like elders are busy in scolding and grabbing their required stuff for marriage while youngsters are struggling to get rid of their Hangover of last night and trying to get ready.

Here Nandini is also getting ready for function after having a lime water in the morning. Now she is ready with her dress but her make up and hair style is not done yet as she will be needing beautician for that so now she had left her hair open.
(Nandini's current look)

Neyonika is also busy with Sachin nd Supriya but she also needs to wake her lazy son up

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Neyonika is also busy with Sachin nd Supriya but she also needs to wake her lazy son up . Who is still sleeping like a king 😎.

Nandini saw Neyonika  passing  her room so she came out of her room and asked
"Aunty why are u in hurry? ....U need help??" .

"Actually Nandini I am very busy with Dada and Vahini...But I need to wake up Manik as he is still sleeping" Neyonika said in hurry.

"Wooo....Hold on aunty...Just relax... Don't worry I will wake him up " Nandini said.

"But U don't know him.... it's very though work to do beta" Neyonika said

"Then don't worry...I am Nandini Murthy...And I like to do adventures....So u go ahead with ur work ...I will make him ready" Nandu wink at Neyonika and Neyonika nodded with a smile and mouthed 'thank you' .

"Ur wc....Now go " Nandini playfully pushed Neyonika and both chuckled little.


Here Manik is sleeping like a king on his bed in his usual style of sleeping on stomach with back facing the ceiling, that too without shirt just in his shorts.

Nandini came to his room and now she is drooling over his sexy back 😍🤤🤤🔥. Ohh my god how he can look so damn sexy even in sleep she thought . And same time he turned showing his bare chest and his abs and now Nandini's eyes are filled with lust .

But she is Nandini she can't forget to take her revenge so she climbed on his bed, she started roaming her hands on his face . She held his one shoulder with her one hand, and moved her another hand over his chest and stopped at his waist and he felt something in his sleep. Then she lowered her head near his ears.

"Manik, baby get up" she called extra sweetly he just smiled and hummed in sleep . He was feeling so gud with his subconscious mind, but at the next moment,

"Aaaah oouchh..." he screamed holding his butts and looked up at Nandini and then he realised that she had pushed him out of the bed  and  now he is on the floor.

" Fuck...Are u mad or what ?" He hissed in pain.

"No ..I was just taking a revenge of last night " She said with a smirk.

"But I thought we were gud last night....Then what happened suddenly and u urself gave me bottle... then why are u taking revenge now?"  he asked being confused.

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