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"OIKAWA NOBODY WANTS TO WATCH YOUR TRASH SHOWS!!!" Suga yelled, snatching the remote.

"You guys are always so loud.." Kenma said softly, looking to Akaashi for guidance.

"Guys.. lets keep a level head about this. Who had control of the tv last?" Akaashi asked.

"I'm supposed to be the mom friend!" Suga looked at Akaashi, plopping on the couch next to Kenma.

"And I'm supposed to be the hot one but we don't always get what we want," Oikawa huffs as he falls into his beanbag chair.

"Who's the hot one other than you?" Kenma quietly asks, not trying to offend anyone, it's just Oikawa was the only one who cared about his looks.

Oikawa pushed up his glasses, "Me!"

"Exactly. My turn with the tv, you child!" Suga went to Netflix.


Kuroo yawned, walking out of his room. "Bro I should not have stayed up till 4am last night."

"Bro, why'd you do that?" Bokuto asks, looking over the seat at the table he was eating at.

"I dunno man I was just feeling like it. Tiktok is a true addiction." He stumbled onto the couch, not realizing Iwaizumi was laying there.

"Kuroo if you don't get youR FAT ASS OFF OF ME," he snarled as Kuroo laughed and slowly rolled off.

Hitting the ground with a thud, he said, "Broooo.... why are you on the couch?"

"Bitch I'm watching tv why the hell else would I just be laying here and not in my room?!" Iwaizumi started to get mad, as usual when he was grumpy. His normally level...ish.. head would leave him when he didn't get more than 6 hours of sleep.

"Now, now, lets all stay calm!" Daichi walked in, sitting at the table across from Bokuto and grabbing some cereal.

"Hey hey hey! Where have you been, Daichi?" Bokuto asked, nomming on his food.

"Oh, I was taking a nap. You all do realize it's like 1 right?" He asked.

"Oh.. uh... nope!" Kuroo stood up and sat on one of the sides the other two boys weren't at.

Iwaizumi joined, opposite of Kuroo. Their normal seats at the table, "I didn't sleep at all. Last night sucked."

"Thinking about boyyysss??" Kuroo purred.

"We're all gay here shut your trap," Iwaizumi put his head down on the table, chin resting on his arm.

"I'm not gay! I don't think..." Bokuto hooted.

"You're gay, you dumb owl. You just haven't found someone to prove it yet." Iwaizumi moved his chin down, forehead now on his arm as he tried to sleep with his head down.

"We should go get coffee later, for everyone's sakes," Daichi smiled.

"Why not now?" Kuroo tilted his head.

"Oh, well let's eat and then we can head out!" Daichi said, eating more cereal. Soft snores could be heard from Iwaizumi.


"This is the fifth romance movie we've watched, Suga, can we take a break?" Akaashi asked, yawning.

"Fine, fine!" Suga leaned back in his chair. "What now?"

Kenma was busy playing Animal Crossing on his new Nintendo Switch, and Oikawa was reading some article about aliens being spotted or something.

"Can we go to the cafeteria? I wanna eat some real food and not just stuff we keep in here," Kenma looked up, putting his game down.

"Sure! Oikawa, wanna come?" Suga smiled, standing.

The other two boys stood up, all three looking at Oikawa. "Mm.. okay. I'm hungry anyway."

"Yay! Dorm room besties trip!" Suga turned on his heel, leading everyone to the door.


"Daichi no I wanna pay," Bokuto frowned. They were all at a cafe on campus.

"Bokuto you don't even have a job shut your mouth. You have literally no money." Kuroo rolled his eyes, "Thank you Daichi."

"No problem! Hopefully this will help you three since you never sleep ever!" He smiled in a very sarcastic way as they all sat down at a table near a window.

Iwaizumi seemed to be much more lively, now that he was out of the dorm and starting to get some coffee. "Anyone wanna practice some soccer with me later? We are doing it in gym and the only thing I really like to do is volleyball so this soccer test is going to kick my ass."

"I can!" Bokuto smiled, sipping his hot chocolate. The owl boy didn't like coffee.

"I need some food after this," Kuroo leaned back, looking at the ceiling.

"We just ate?" Daichi's face went from plain to confused.

"Nah I need more food than just that! Cereal can't fill this ol' stomach!" He laughed.

"Bro you sound like you're 50," Bokuto poked at him.

"Oh shut up you owl man!"

"I'll take that as a compliment! Thanks Kuroo!"


The four boys were quite quiet eating their food. Most of them focusing on getting rid of their hunger than starting conversation... until Oikawa finished, "Wait guys I forgot to tell you the other day I saw this really hot guy on campus and I don't know what his name was but he's a MEGA hottieee~."

"Oikawa that means a lot coming from you. Usually you think guys are just okay, some get into the cute section, but they rarely make it into the hot section. What's he look like?" Akaashi put down his napkin after wiping his mouth. All three boys looked at Oikawa.

He seemed to have to find the right words, "Well, he had dark brown spiky hair, tanned skin, toned arms... oh my god his arms... and uh I don't remember the rest he was just hot."

"Of course you remember everything but his face," Kenma snickered.

"Oh hush! I tried my best!" Oikawa huffed. "Anyway, I need to go to the library. Anyone want to come with?"

"Oh, I can," Akaashi started to gather up his things on his plate to throw away and put in the dishwasher... dish collector... sink... thing they had in the cafeteria.

"I need to go study so I'll be heading back to the room. Want to come, Kenma?" Suga turned to the pudding head.

"Mm.. no, I'll just go sit in the living space," Kenma said, looking at the area of the cafeteria that was a living space with couches and tables and tvs with gaming sets.


me: *struggles at writing one book*
also me: *makes another*

okay i'd like to explain how this schools gonna work, right from the gEt gO:

so, the dorms work in a way where it's literally just a normal building, each floor having about 10 rooms on each side, and in the middle there's an elevator on one side and stairs on another. Then, the bottom floor is where the cafeteria is. It also has a lounge area, but those can be found sprawled around the building, taking the place of certain bedrooms by the elevator every couple of floors. (there's a sign indicating it's a lounge room. it also has a snack area with like vending machines.) Then, the classes are like normal, it's just that each student has their own distinct schedule based off what they are aiming to do in college. so, one student might have a full day one day, and then only one class the next. it all depends. but it's weekly. the school itself is connected by a court yard and stuff like cafes and gaming area off of the back of the first floor, and it's just a normal school from there.

then, lastly, the floors our favorite boyos are on:

Akaashi, Kenma, Oikawa, and Suga are on the 5th floor.

Bokuto, Kuroo, Iwaizumi, and Daichi are on the 2nd.

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