26) broken legged loser

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i would ask who you think the title is about but you already know


"How come I'm the one who has to carry your backpack around for you? Couldn't Bokuto or someone do it?" I asked, turning to Kuroo.

"Bo doesn't have any classes with me, and it was either this or you pushing me around in a wheelchair so I thought you'd wanna go with this," he smirked at me.

I grumbled but continued walking. "Whatever. At least I only have to do this for one more day this week," I said as I rolled my eyes.


"Kenma you wanna go back to my dorm and watch movies or something?" He asked me on the way back to the dorms.

"Sure," I shrugged. We got to the elevator, walking in and pressing the button to go up.

"So, how's Akaashi?" Kuroo asked.

I snorted a little, thinking about the fact he was still concerned, "He's fine. He recovers fast."

"Oh, well that's good. Bokuto is upset because he hasn't been able to hang out with him," Kuroo sighed.

"Oh, yeah, Akaashi has been busy lately. He decided to work with Shouyou for the rest of the week, but I think Suga moved the game night to tomorrow so he'll see Akaashi then. Akaashi never misses game night."

"Oh, well I'm glad. I don't think I can deal with Bokuto's sulking any longer," he sighed once again as we got off the elevator.

"Yeah.." I mumbled, grabbing his key from his bag so he could unlock the door.

He did so, and we walked in, me putting his stuff on the table like usual. "So," Kuroo started as he sat on the couch, "whatcha wanna watch?"

"I don't know," I shrug, "whatever you want."

"Okay," Kuroo smiled, and I sat down next to him.

"Hey hey hey!" Bokuto burst out of his room, causing me to jump violently.

"Hey, Bo!" Kuroo smiled. "Any headaches today?"

"Nope! I'm happy I recovered fast! Anyway, I'm gonna go get some snacks. Want anything?" He asked, putting on his shoes.

"Can you get me some cheetos?" Kuroo asked.

"Sure! Anything for you, Kenma?"

"Apple pie, please."

"Okie dokie! I'll be back!" He smiled and walked out.

Kuroo turned on The Incredibles and leaned back, snuggling into the couch. Originally, I planned to just play on my phone, but I'd feel bad if I didn't watch his movie with him... wait, why would I feel bad? Kuroo's just some broken legged loser.. right? Yeah, yeah. Right. Exactly. Yes.

I shook my head a little and focused in on the movie, trying not to think about Kuroo any longer.

Soon, Bokuto came back with our snacks. Kuroo paused the movie, taking a bathroom break. "Also, Kenma, where has Kaashi been?"

I looked up and over at him, "Oh, he's been working with Shouyou for the week so Shouyou isn't lonely."

"Oh! Okay! That's alrighty! I'm just gonna go to the.. gym! Yeah. Have fun with Kuroo!~" He winked and walked right back out of the room.

It was then I realized he didn't even get a snack for himself.

(flipping iwaoi and daisuga for this rotation around the ships)

I didn't think people were allowed to look this hot while working out, but yet here Iwa-chan was. I watched him as he ran and I walked and damn his ass looked fine... along with his calves... and his thighs.. and his waist... and his abs when his shirt would go up a little... and his back... and his shoulders... and his biceps- "Shittykawa stop staring. If you wanna run too, you can. I won't judge if you look ugly running."

I gasped."Iwa-chan! I'm always looking amazing!" I scoff and look away from him.

"Riiiiiiight," he huffed out a laugh. I continued walking, and soon he slowly turned his treadmill down to walking pace beside me.

"So," I decide to start small talk, "are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Hmm? You mean game night?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh, yeah, sure. Kuroo and Bokuto are the most excited, though."

"I'm not surprised," I laugh. "Those two seemed like they were always the most excited for everything."

Iwa-chan sighed and nodded, finally shutting off the treadmill. I did the same. "Ready to go?" He asked.

I smiled, "Yep!"

We walked out, and headed to Iwa-chan's place for him to change. I would change too, but I didn't seem too smelly.

Once we got there, we noticed Kuroo and Kenma watching movies in the living room. "Hey," Iwa-chan said flatly, walking into his room.

I walked over to the couch, "Yahoo!"

"Oikawa you smell like donkey shit," Kenma said, scrunching his nose up in a disgusted way while turning to look at me.

"I- Well I can't really do anything about that right now.." I scratched the back of my head. I didn't realize I smelled that bad.. I actually thought I smelled good for going to the gym..

"Just shower here," Kuroo shrugged. "I'll have Iwaizumi get some new clothes for you. He's the only one who's done laundry lately."

"A-Alrighty.." I walked into the bathroom. Why did I agree to this?


I heard the shower turn on from the other room. That was weird. Usually Kuroo didn't shower until like 10pm..

I got finished changing into sweats and a t-shirt and walked out, plopping on the arm chair. Then I noticed Kuroo was still out here. "Who's in the shower.. and where's Shittykawa?"

"Oikawa is in the shower," Kuroo said flatly, but I could hear some tease in his voice. "You have to give him more clothes to change into."

"What?! Why?!" I glare at him, slightly jolting out of my seat and at him.

"Because! You're the only one who's washed their clothes lately!" Kuroo said, as if it was obvious.

"Whatever," I grumbled, standing up walking back into my room.

I went to my dresser and pulled out a random t-shirt along with some sweats. He'd have to deal with the casual outfit for now.. he'd also have to deal with the underwear he had now because I was not about to give him a pair of my underwear, plus it's not like they could be that horribly gross. I walked out and put the clothes at the door, hollering at Oikawa that they were out there for him.

He said thanks and soon got out. We all watched from the living room as his arm snuck out the doorway and began grabbing at the clothes, missing a few times.

Soon he came out in the Godzilla shirt I gave him along with the sweats- wait- THE GODZILLA SHIRT?!?!

My head swung around to see him laughing, "Iwa-chan! I didn't know you liked Godzilla so much!"


i hate school so much why is my life like this akkdkdodkwndmsmnwjakd

ahem. anyway. i'm tired :/ my school is really big so i had to power walk around the building and it was probably about a mile and a half of walking-

also ofc i had to mention iwaizumi liking godzilla... it would've been wrong of me not to! (also hopefully the game night next chapter will be fun to write/read.. kinda eXcItEd)

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