15) nerd

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I knocked on their door and soon heard footsteps walking up. Kuroo was the one to open the door, and I waved with a smile, "Yahoo!"

"Is that the only greeting you know? Like have you ever thought to say hi or something normal like that?" He asked, leaning on the door frame.

"Sorry, I don't like to associate with losers," I said, my tone filled with sarcasm. "Now may I go see Iwa-chan please?"

"Mm, fine, since you said please. He's in his room and he might be asleep so I'd knock first." Kuroo moved out of my way, and I stepped in waving at Daichi and Bokuto on the couch, who smiled back.

I looked at the four rooms, the exact layout as our dorm, just... it wasn't Kenma in the front left, me next to him, Suga across from me, and Akaashi next to him, across from Kenma.

I turned around go look at all of them, and they pointed right. I nodded then knocked on the front right door. I heard some grumbling then a low, "come in."

I walked in, and I saw Iwa-chan slowly sitting up. "Whoa who the hell let a nerd in my room?" He asked.

I gasped, "Iwa-chan! I'm wearing my glasses you meanie!" I closed the door behind me once I walked in.

"Oh god now I'm stuck alone in a room with said nerd," he flopped back in his bed for dramatic effect.

"Iwa-chan!! Stop being mean!!" I huffed and sat in his desk chair, spinning around.

I was suddenly stopped, and I found out it was Iwa-chan grabbing the arm of the chair, stopping me. "You're going to break my chair." He was about to fall out of his bed at this point, his body halfway off to stop me from spinning.

"You're no fun, you know that?" I cross my arms.

"Uh, sorry Shittykawa but I don't want you ruining my stuff," he pushed himself back in his bed, sinking into the blankets.

I decided to hop onto the end of the bed, criss crossing my legs and smiling at him. "Iwa-chan I want attention."

"You always want attention. I already know that, and I've only known you for a little bit."

The night of the party

"PARTY TIME!!" I yell, hopping into Daichi's car.

"PARTYYYY TIIIIIIME!!" Kuroo yelled with me.

"SHUT UP!!" Daichi scolded us. "Remember we are bringing Suga and his dorm so don't get too comfortable. Suga and I will remain in the front but you guys can sit wherever."

"I call trunk!" Kuroo yelled, hopping into the car.

"Oh wait, but nobody can sit in the trunk this time. I have food and drinks back there," Daichi clarified.

We looked at him in shock. "What are we supposed to do then?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Sit in each other's laps or have them sit in between your legs and hope nothing goes wrong," Daichi said with a shrug as he hopped in the car.

Kuroo sat in the one and a half seat and Iwaizumi and I sat in the normal ones. Soon, the other boys arrived. Suga hopped right into the car but the other three looked a little nervous.

Oikawa soon got over it, though. "Iwa-chan!! Guess what guess what!!" He hopped into the car and sat at Iwaizumi's feet, leaning on the door of the van.

Right before they left

I looked in the mirror one more time. I was wearing a really simple outfit, just a black nike sweatshirt with some light washed skinny jeans and a pair of chunky shoes to top it off. I shrugged, thinking the outfit alright, and walked out. Oikawa was admiring himself in the living room with the mirror on the wall by our door.

He was wearing a bright blue adidas sweatshirt with some black ripped jeans. He also wore a pear of chunky shoes. His were creme unlike my white ones. Kenma then walked out of his room, wearing a simple red t-shirt and some sweats. Normal for him, since he said he wanted to "feel comfortable when in an uncomfortable situation." Suga walked out in a white t-shirt with an orange flannel tied around his waist, jeans following. He also wore Vans. He had the checkered slip on ones. "Kenma you forgot shoes," Suga laughed.

"Oh, right." He walked back into his room and came out in a pair of all black slip on Vans.

We walked out and headed to the elevator.

present time

I couldn't see Daichi's outfit, but he seemed to just be wearing a black t-shirt with jeans. Then, Iwaizumi sitting behind him, was wearing a tan sweatshirt with a jean jacket over it. He seemed to also be wearing black jeans and his shoes were covered by, well, Oikawa.

Kuroo from the back was wearing an outfit actually similar to Kenma, but his sweats were grey and he was wearing a black tank top instead of a red shirt. He also had on a red jacket Kenma crawled into the car and sat in the open half seat next to Kuroo, I followed in and sat on the ground in the area between Iwaizumi's and Bokuto's seats.

Bokuto looked quite nice, although his outfit was simple. He wore a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans with some Nike shoes to finish it off. Honestly I think I just liked being able to see those biceps in full form. I mean like, who wouldn't be drawn to them? They were beefy as hell. "K-Kaashi? Is there a reason you're staring at my arms?" His cheeks were tinted a light pink.

"Bokuto, you know your biceps are toned, nobody can help it when they stare," Kuroo purred.

Akaashi promptly hit Kuroo's leg and Kenma snickered. "I-It was only a coincidence, sorry." My face flushed in red as he stared into my eyes.


uGH i'm SUCH a simp for atsumu. i can't count the amount of times i've said i want him to spike a volleyball at my face and kill me.

aNYWAY has anyone here read in another life by littleluxray on ao3? because if not you should but if you have i want you to know i rarely cry at fanfics but i was cRYIIIING at that one. (i read it awhile ago but just now decided to mention it lmaoo)

also i'm sorry most of this chapter is just the outfits but next chapter is where it allllll begins ;)

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