4) what beauty

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I watched the tv intensely, as they found new evidence of aliens being real. I noticed that the hottie that I still didn't know the name of was kinda watching, and the tall guy I recognized as Kuroo was scrolling through his phone.

All of a sudden a phone screen was in my face. It was a note that said "His name is Iwaizumi. Here's his number:" and had some phone number listed. I pulled out my phone, and typed in the number, saving the contact for later. I could see him eyeing us, but I ignored it and continued watching.

All of a sudden a timer went off. "Browniessss!!" Suga stood up from the table and stumbled over to our small oven. He pulled out the brownies and Kuroo immediately stood up.

"My calling!" He said as he stood.

"Whoawhoawhoa! Slow your roll Kuroo! They have to cool!" Suga said, swatting Kuroo away with the oven mitt. He sighed and sat back down.

I sorta laughed at him as I looked back at the tv. I could see a light blush over the hotties face and I wondered why. "Iwa-chan why are you blushing?"

I could hear Kuroo snicker. "Don't call me that, Shittykawa, and none of your business," he huffed out and crossed his arms.

"Sugaaaaa are the brownies ready yet? I'm getting sick of these horny kids fighting..." He groaned.

"Oh shut the hell up Kuroo! You're such a little shit!" Iwa-chan glared at him.

"Ah, fine fine I'll cut them. Who wants one? We need some left over for Akaashi and Kenma but we'll have enough," Suga got up and walked to the stove once again. Everyone got up and headed over, and I handed out some plates.

After we all got one, there were three left. "Can I bring the last one to Bokuto?" Kuroo asked.

"Um, sure! I don't think anyone will mind," Suga shrugged.

"Yay! I'll be heading out then! Iwaizumi wanna come crash Bokuto's alone party with me?" He turned to Iwa-chan.

"Mm.. fine. I'd rather not be left alone here anyway.." He got up, walking to the door.

All I saw before the door shut was Kuroo mouth "text him". I could feel my face flush in red as I turned around and kept watching my show. Stupid cat.


Suga's dorm was quite homey. I liked it a lot. With the three obnoxious boys I live with, it can be a lot to handle. The dynamic in here seemed pretty calm. I liked Suga, too. He was very calm and knew how to get people like Kuroo to shut up, other than yelling. He was sorta like a mom.

If I was totally honest, I'd admit he was also pretty cute. Especially when he didn't understand a question. He would lightly tap his pencil against the corner of his mouth as he thought. "Okay, so the graph is all over the place, so we can infer.... that our experiment was for nothing!" He smiled at his own joke.

I chuckled, "No, we can infer that the experiment was unstable."


After we got done studying, Suga offered a movie. I agreed, enjoying my time with him. Oikawa was really upset when Suga made him turn off his show.

I also noticed that Oikawa kept suddenly lighting up when he looked at his phone, but I stopped paying attention when Suga began to play a movie I didn't recognize.


me: hi iwa-chan ;) kuroo gave me your number and i think he'd kill me if i didn't text you

iwa-chan🥵🤤: don't call me that.

me: i never asked for your opinion, iwa-chan. i just want to get to know you since i feel like i should get to know the boy who almost ruined my beauty with a soccer ball

iwa-chan🥵🤤: what beauty

me: :0 IWA-CHAN

iwa-chan🥵🤤: i just see more of a hot-ness than a beauty, i guess

me: touché

I looked up to see another stupid romance movie into playing. I looked at Suga and made a loud, annoying, puking noise.

He glared at me. "Shut your mouth Mr. HornyforIwA-cHaN," he hissed at me.

"I hardly know Iwa-chan! I'm not horny yet! I'm going to my room!" I stormed off. From the distance I heard Suga whisper something about me saying "yet" and laughing... then I slammed my door shut.

The next day, Tuesday

I woke up to my annoying alarm. I slammed it off, groaning super loud so everyone else would wake up. "BOKUTO WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR MOANING!!" I could hear Iwaizumi yell from the other room.

I got up and changed into a casual sweatshirt and jeans. When I walked out, I had planned my snarky reply, "Oh, sweetie, you'll be hearing it all night."

"Whoa Bokuto what are you going to do with Iwaizumi?" Kuroo purred.

"Nothing. I'm saving myself for someone." I crossed my arms, making a 'hmph' noise, and turning my head.

"For Akaashi?" Kuroo giggled. "You just met him, dude. How do you fall that fast?"

I went red, and decided breakfast was going to be eaten anywhere but here. I opened the door when Daichi appeared from his room. "Now, now. We all know that Bokuto is having his first man-crush, but we are going to need to not tease him about it until they begin hanging out here. It's a fathers job to tease his son."

"BYE DAD!!!" I yelled as I slammed the door shut.

I headed to the cafeteria, finally checking my phone on the way. Akaashi had really texted!!

Akaashiiii: hi bokuto-san. just wanted to make sure you had my number. sorry it took awhile. it's akaashi.

Me: it's alright! even if you didn't text i would understand :)))

Once I got to the cafeteria, I went straight for the eggs and bacon. Hell yeah. They make the best breakfast here.

I got my food, and when I looked around for people to sit with, I noticed Akaashi and who I thought was the guy I now recognized as Oikawa... or Shittykawa, according to Iwaizumi, but I didn't know for sure. I hopped on over, sitting in a seat and smiling. "Hey hey hey!!"


i really don't like it when stories move too fast but like bokuto falls hard and fast... good thing he got akaashi to keep him at bay

almost forgot to update today oops- i'm too focused on tendou's birthday coming up

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