20) roughhousing

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While waiting, I put my head on Daichi's shoulder. "Your idiots seem to be worse than mine..." I played with the zipper of a jacket Daichi had given me when I got cold earlier.

"Bokuto is just, uh, something."

"Daichi, it's not like this is the first fight he's gotten into," Kuroo pointed out.

"Yeah but Kuroo, usually he ends it," Iwaizumi said. He then looked off to the side, as if he just remembered a bad memory.

"Bokuto-san has done this before?" Akaashi asked. He'd been really quiet, so I knew he was upset. I mean, he's always been quiet, but this was different.

"Yeah." As Daichi spoke I could feel his throat vibrating on my head. I didn't know if I liked it or not it was kinda awkward. "But we'll let him open up about that."

"Oh. Alright," He said and he went quiet again.

I couldn't think of a way to cheer him up. I mean, he had had his moments dealing with his anxiety but I had never seen it get this severe. It was difficult to think of what to do.

Good thing Kenma was there, though. "Akaashi you wanna go to the gift shop and pick something up for him?" Kenma turned to Akaashi and asked.

Akaashi nodded and they both stood, and I immediately glared at Kuroo. I then pointed my finger at them and he sighed. "Fine, fine, I'm going, I'm going."


He got up and caught up with them, saying something along the lines of, "I'm gonna come with you guys," once he was walking beside them.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost instantaneously.


Suga and Daichi were asleep, and so was Oikawa. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact someone actually managed to take Bokuto out like that... even I couldn't do that back when we had our little... roughhouse...


"FUCK YOU!!" Bokuto yelled at me.

"NO, FUCK YOU!!!" I snarled back.


It was 1st year. I was having a really bad week, struggling with some really hard math work and finding out my mother was sick... although I had found out she would recover fine later on. I had cheated off of Bokuto's good friend Atsumu's boyfriend, Sakusa, on a test... then blamed him for it and got him suspended. I really only did it to make sure my mom didn't have any more worries other than staying healthy as she could and not making her illness worse with stress!

But, I guessed Bokuto had found out by Atsumu... and he was pissed.  Matsukawa, Hanamaki, and I were in the gaming room of our floor, playing minecraft and being idiots, when Bokuto stormed in. Then he started yelling at me. And there we were. "LISTEN BOKUTO, WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO? ADMIT I CHEATED AND GET IN EVEN MORE TROUBLE THAN HIM?"

"ASSHOLE! YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE!" Thats when he ran at me, and punched me right in the gut. Matsukawa and Hanamaki immediately tried to separate us, but it was no use.

I swung at him fiercely, and he grabbed my wrist right before I came in contact with his jaw, and then grabbed my shoulder, flipping me over and slamming me on the ground.

I immediately stood and kicked his side, not failing this time. He stumbled a bit, but didn't fall. He then went in to punch my face, and I ducked back. Once I was off guard, he kicked his leg up... yep, right into the goods.

I fell down in pain and he continued to jump on me and punch my face. I punched him back from where I was on the floor, and also kneed his thigh so he fell a little, right as I was about to stand he punched one more time right into my eye.

And then suddenly, it went dark.

flashback over

Apparently, at that point, Hanamaki and Matsukawa were able to restrain him a bit. Then, Kuroo walked in looking for Bokuto, because according to him, Bokuto was madly drunk. They took me to the hospital, and Bokuto got suspended for two weeks. I never pressed charges or anything like that. He hadn't gotten into many big fights since then, but I had. Once I realized I enjoyed fighting, and it got my frustrations out, I started doing so when people fucked with my friends.


The gift shop was full of little "get well soon" items and things like that, but that wasn't what caught my eye. I noticed two little owl plushies, a little bigger than my hand. I walked over to them, and took them off the shelf, admiring them. I had to get them for Bokuto. He had a fascination for owls, or at least he said something along those lines. At the time he said, "Owls are so cool Kaashi! Have you seen them? Their necks literally spin all the way around! That's sooo cool!" But that didn't really matter right now.

"You wanna get those for him?" Kenma asked me, and I nodded.

We looked around a little more, and Kuroo got these two cat plushies and gave one to Kenma. I payed for my plushies, and we were back on our way to the room. It was a little far due to the fact the gift shop was not only in a different section of the hospital, but also a floor above Bokuto's room.

When we got back, everyone was standing and talking to a doctor. We walked up, and started to hear what he was saying. "...so you can go visit him, but you also need to find a way to take him home tomorrow. His parents will pay the costs, but they informed me that a," he flipped through some pages, "Kuroo Tetsurou, should know how to care for him. They also said, and I quote, 'yell at him for us, Tetsu'." He sighed.

"Thank you sir. What time can we pick him up?" Kuroo asked, "I am the Kuroo kid, by the way."

"Any time after 8. Make sure to come before 10, if you can. We can't hold him in a room past 10 and he will have to wait in the lobby for you after that."

"Okay, thank you, have a nice night," Kuroo smiled.

"Have a nice night," the doctor said back as he walked away.

I looked over at the door, and then looked at my feet. How was I going to face him?


just so you guys realize how little i planned before i started writing this: i just came up with all the climax's a couple days ago

also everyone has gOT to stop with the haikyuu is ending shit :,( like plz let's pretend the final chapter isn't coming out soon and remember that the anime is still continuing :,)

if the fandom dies idk what i'll do with my life soOoooOoOoo

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